June 6, 2008

That’s It Folks

I’m done.

I’m finished with physical therapy and I’m finished with follow-up surgical appointments.  I have been officially released.  The ACL saga of doctors visits and physical therapy has come to a close.  It’s been a really long time, eight months to be exact.

I told my surgeon about the pain I’ve been having at that lowest incision today.  He pressed on the exact location as I pretty much levitated off the table in agony.  He said there’s no way it’s anything to do with the ACL and within seconds he was injecting the sore spot with cortisone and Novocaine.  It hurt for a second and then he slapped a band-aid on it and told me to just sit there for five minutes.  When he pressed on it again, there was no pain. 

He said that it’s a stubborn piece of scar tissue and that it gets the nerves all worked up in there as well, which is why I had that radiating pain and sore spot.  He said I’ll be sore from the shot and within two days it should be feeling just fine.  He reiterated that although I have small incision scars, I had major surgery.  This kind of stuff is normal.

So, no activity for a month and then I am free to do what I want "within limits."  He told me I can do straight kicks and punches, but no sparring or tricky pivoting kata business.  "You only want to do this once," he said.  He also cautioned me on any deep stances and deep knee bends.  "Remember," he said, "people go back to sports after this, but they’re not good at it again for a while."

I shook his hand, thanked him, and told him I hope I don’t have to ever see him again.  "Not here anyway," he said and smiled.

I went out for my final physical therapy appointment and my PT told me there would be no exercises today since my surgeon injected my knee.  He told me to go home and ice it which is what I’m doing now.  It’s starting to feel pretty sore.  Before I left, he fitted me for my brace.  He has one in stock that he’s putting aside for me while he gets approval from my insurance company.  Apparently it’s not cheap.  No surprise there.

My PT shook my hand and wished me well and I just started to cry.  It just hit me all at once that I’m done. I’m really done.  I shook his hand and then gave him a huge hug while I cried and thanked him for everything.  He’s been my knee confidante since October.  It kind of feels like losing a good friend.  He assured me that he’s there for me if I have questions or problems; and I’ll see him when I get back from vacation to officially get my brace and another lesson on how to strap that thing on.  The only disappointing thing is that it doesn’t come with spikes or something on it, perhaps an alarm when someone gets too close to my knee.

I can’t believe I am finished with this part of the journey.  When I get back from vacation, I’ll be finding a gym to continue my exercises.  This is one vacation that is coming at just the right celebratory time.      

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