May 21, 2008

A First Time for Everything

Before I tore my ACL in October, I used to always think how great it was that I had never had any knee problems.  The ACL tear changed all that.  I went from nothing to probably one of the worst possible knee problems. 

I’ve always felt the same way about poison ivy. I’ve heard horror stories about it from my husband and many of my friends.  One friend had it all over her private parts.  I won’t tell you how she got it, but use your imagination and you won’t be far off.  Mr. BBM had it so badly that he had to get a shot of cortisone to stop it.  Unfortunately, I can now join the poison ivy club. 

Before our open house this past weekend, I picked exactly three "weeds."  Three.  I took them right to the trash and the next day things got a little itchy on my arm.  Each day this week, I have woken up wanting to rip my right forearm off my body because it is driving me insane.  Every morning I wake up scratching and it seems to be getting worse. 

I’ve bathed profusely.  I’ve been drenching myself in prescription hydro-cortisone cream, yet it remains as annoying and rashy as ever.  I’m one of those people who gets itchy in one place and then feels like I have bugs crawling all over me, so I’ve been scratching up a storm almost constantly and am terrified that it’s going to spread to, well, everywhere. 

When I tore my ACL, I had tons of friendly advice and I appreciated it greatly.  So, how about a little help for a girl with some serious scratch-fever?  Any home remedies?  Advice on something that will knock me out until this passes?  Volunteers to scratch me?

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