May 17, 2008


Tomorrow is Open House number four.  I swore I wouldn’t do another one, yet here we are, Open House Eve yet again.

This song pretty much sums up what’s been happening with my inconsiderate neighbor:

Yesterday, the local Britney Spears decided it was a fine time to clean out her large kitchen garbage can.  Since cleaning is super hard, she thought she’d do it the natural way and just leave it sit out on the pavement our two homes share to collect rain water.  Last time, she naturally cleaned her litter box, now her trash can.

Mr. BBM moved it closer to her door so it didn’t appear to be our trash can.  Later, he moved it directly in front of her door so that she would have to move it in order to get in or out.  He’s pretty good at this trash can business considering he once pulled that trash can full of water in an elevator prank when he was in college. 

Despite his careful trash can placement, she moved the can out of her way three times without doing anything about it yesterday.  It’s not like she doesn’t have a back yard complete with a patio and deck where she could do her natural trash can cleaning.  No, it must be on the pavement in front of the house on an Open House weekend.  I guess the trash can cleaning gods only work in front of the house and only when your neighbor is expecting guests.

Today, we left for Big I’s t-ball game and the trash can was still sitting at her door.  I said, "If that trash can is still out there when we can back, I’m going to kill her." 

Big I must have thought I was serious because when we pulled back in and the trash can was still there, she gasped with horror and said, "Mommy, are you really going to go kill her now?  How are you going to do it?"

I was about to tell her how when Mr. BBM said, "I’ll take care of it."

He went outside to pull some weeds, and then he took the trash can and moved it to her back patio without me having to say another word. 

Just a few moments ago, I saw her go out onto her deck.  She was wearing flannel penguin pajamas and a surgical face mask.  She was flapping her comforter in the breeze off the deck along with another blanket.  When she was finished, she threw the comforter across a chair and did the same with the blanket. 

I’m not sure what happened in her house that requires a face mask, but I’m wondering if she’s going to pretend like there’s a SARS epidemic in our neighborhood tomorrow or something.  I’m also guessing that the comforter and blanket will stay there, strewn across the deck that is right smack against mine because they probably have squirrel poop on them or something from that time months ago when a squirrel got in her house after she had left the door open (probably all night long).

For your listening pleasure.  The chorus is my new theme song. . . 

I gotta find a way to get outta here. . .

***I know I have a lot of homeschooling readers.  You might find this of interest. 

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