Talky Talky
Today, I will be a guest on Karl’s Blog Talk Radio show. If you would like to tune in and listen, you can go directly to the show here. All you need is a computer with volume. If you’d like to call in and ask some questions (remember, like I said, nothing too personal or annoying or else!) you can do so at this number: 646-716-9370. There’s also a live chat, so you can log in and ask questions that way too. I hope you’ll tune in and listen!
Houston, We Have Contact
It was a very temporary lull.
Yesterday, with witnesses, my heel finally made contact with my butt. It was a wonderful moment, one I will cherish for the rest of my life. You may think I’m kidding, but I’m really not. I told my PT that it was the day; I was determined to make it happen. I stretched and worked it out for about five minutes and then I gave my foot an extra tug and there it was. I didn’t just graze my butt either. My heel made good contact. There was applause and cheering (mostly my own) and it completely made my day.
My heel and butt have not been in contact since October. They are so happy to be reunited. "Reunited and it feels so good. . . "
My PT also put me back on the leg extension torture contraption. This time he limited my range of motion. It went much better and I’m not even sore today. I haven’t felt this good in a very long time.
I celebrated with a trip to Pier One and Ann Taylor Loft. I bought new pillows for my bed and I found the perfect pair of black pants. Men may not appreciate finding the perfect pair of black pants, but for a woman it’s pretty much the equivalent of finding a long lost relic. I bought new pants, a top, flat shoes (since heels are still off limits) and some jewelry with my gift cards that have been burning a hole in my pocket since Christmas. A new outfit for a new attitude. I’m officially on the comeback part of this journey.
After being totally bummed about HGTV, yesterday was a really nice change. Last night, I checked my email and there was a note from the producer of "Summer Showdown." In the email she said that out of thousands of entries, we were in the top 10. Because they liked us so much, they are forwarding our video, application and information on to all other Pie Town Productions for consideration. So, maybe I’ll get my TV time anyway someday.
In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy my new carpet (being installed tomorrow), my new outfit and my brand new attitude. The journey to Shodan and beyond feels like it’s officially back on track.
***All is definitely not lost on the fame front. On Sunday at 5 p.m., I’ll be the guest on Karl’s Blog Talk Radio show. I have absolutely no clue what I’m going to talk about (suggestions on this front? Put them below) and am super nervous; but if you’ve been dying to know what my voice sounds like, please tune in. There’s a live chat that takes place while I’m on air and you can even call in and ask questions. Just don’t put me on the spot about anything. Remember, the blog is mightier than the sword and paybacks are a, well, you know. . .
I am always on the look out for opportunities to get on TV. I’m not interested in eating bugs Survivor-style and I certainly never wanted to be vying for the attention of one guy along with 24 other women. That’s desperate and not at all my style. But getting on a makeover show like "What Not to Wear," or an HGTV room redo has been a dream for a long time.
My family says I dress too nicely to get on WNTW. I beg to differ, but no one’s going to be nominating me. There’s just really no one else besides Lil C around me all day to see that I rarely exit pajamas until about 1 or 2 p.m. Her camcorder skills are still sort of. . . developing.
So, when I saw an opportunity to get on an HGTV show this summer, I jumped at it. The show is called "Summer Showdown" and I was ecstatic to see that you didn’t have to live in LA or Chicago to apply. The show is looking for the worst living room, bedroom, kitchen and backyard in America. Then they have a designer showdown and you get your room completely made over.
I submitted our bedroom, which boasts pink carpet, brown sponge-painted walls (neither of those my doing) and a blue bedspread. My parents kept telling me we would never get picked because our room isn’t that bad, but I knew it was and then some.
I told them about how I’ve never had a headboard on my bed, unless you count the time that I bought a piece of fence for $10 at Home Depot and painted it and stuck it behind my bed. I told them that my dressers are falling apart thanks to my Dad loading the drawers with hand weights and then trying to slide the dresser around by himself when we moved into this house. I told them that everything I try to do to make the room better, only seems to make it worse. I told them I would get over my fear of long flights and get on a plane to LA for the season finale in May.
Less than 24 hours after filling out the online application, I got a call from the producer of the show, confirming that my bedroom pretty much sucks. She called my home phone; she called my cell phone and she emailed me at both of my email addresses. She told me she was throwing our room into the final mix and that they were "really really interested in our room." She asked me to make a video of the room and our family and submit it to their uploading website asap.
Mr. BBM and I spent three nights making that video. We planned it out, were creative as we could be, and made something that I think rivals my debut Carrie Underwood lip sync. We stayed up until 2 a.m. several nights in a row creating, editing and getting excited about it.
When we uploaded the video, there was only one other video in the bedroom submissions folder. Mr. BBM clicked on it and we watched our competition. (I know, totally shouldn’t have but we did anyway.) We figured we had it in the bag.
Last week, the producer emailed me and said they were still "up in the air" and that she would be in touch soon. Last night, I got the bad news. We didn’t get picked. I figured that if we did, our house would be as good as sold. My realtor was excited too, waiting for word. I also figured that even if they made my room so fantastic that I didn’t want to leave it, I could still take any new furniture and accessories with me and then mimic the paint color and flooring in my new house. I was so excited.
So, the bad news is that I won’t be appearing on HGTV. The good news is that I guess I only have the second worst bedroom in America. That is definitely a selling point.
16 Weeks
I hit the 16 week post-op point last week. It marked another change to the recovery regime. My PT added leg extensions and they went fine while I was there. It was later in the night that I started to hurt and I continued to hurt for the next two days.
Back at PT on Friday, my PT said he’s taking them out of the routine for now. My knee cap is getting too irritated and I need to build up my quad more before adding them in again. It took a good four days for my knee to stop hurting and being so stiff. I’m just sick of set-backs like this. A week earlier I was a degree from touching my butt and on Friday I couldn’t even get close from being so sore.
I see my surgeon next Friday. I had high hopes of getting my brace ordered and planning my triumphant return to karate. I just don’t know if that’s going to happen yet. While my Mom and Mr. BBM have remarked about how muscular my legs are getting, the left one still lags considerably behind. Mr. BBM says there’s not much of a difference but I think he’s just being nice.
Mark the calendar people. It’s time for another feeling sorry for myself session. Let’s hope it’s the last one.
No Words
There are no words to describe what it felt like to paint "summer moon" over top of Big I’s princess room and Lil C’s ocean room this past weekend. We made sure to get a photo shoot before we started painting so the girls would always remember their rooms. O.k., it was probably more for me than for them. . .
When the shoot was finished, Big I seemed at ease with the transition. Me on the other hand. . .
Then it was time for Lil C’s shoot.
Well, maybe there are a few words to describe it. . .
Can’t read it? "This Sucks" and "Buyers who don’t like kids rooms can KISS MY. . ."
All you really need to know is this. Big I now loves her room. Lil C has told me to "take that paint off acause I miss my blue room." You should also know that I sobbed as we painted Lil C’s room; but Mr. BBM helped to make it all better with Nachos Belle Grande and some Miller Light.
("After" pictures to follow later this week after new carpet is installed and my emotions aren’t so raw.)