April 26, 2008

The Countdown Begins

I saw my surgeon yesterday and it was a good visit.  In six weeks I will see him again and he will order me my custom acl brace that I’ll need to officially return to karate.  As soon as I have my brace and as soon as I feel ready, I can return.  The only limitations I will have are the ones I put on myself.  My surgeon recommended a few: no sparring for a while (quite a while), and find another way to bow to the shinza.  He said my kneecap will still feel "crunchy" for a while, possibly forever.  Right now, there is absolutely no way I can be on my knees at all.  I’m also very nervous about pivoting and kicking and will need to discuss these issues with my PT in the weeks to come.  I need to build up my confidence and I want to do that in the PT room under a watchful eye, not in the dojo.

I found out yesterday that my surgeon is a black belt in Shotokan karate.  He got his black belt when he was in college.  I didn’t know I had a black belt for a surgeon, but knowing that made me feel really good about all the decisions that he has helped me to make.  He knows what it’s all about and he understands the types of things I want to be able to do. 

We talked for a bit about how all the knee replacement people come and go and I’m still there, busting my butt in the PT room.  He said that the difference between them and me is that they have plateaued while I continue to improve.  That made me feel good too. 

I went to PT after my appointment and asked my PT about adding back into the routine the single leg press.  I’m now pressing 100 lbs with both legs and 25 on the single leg press.  The key to avoiding knee irritation with the leg press is to press with the heels, not the toes.  I was able to make it through three sets of the single leg press without any issues.  We also upped my weight on the leg extensions and on the pulley apparatus, where I get to walk away with the harness around my waist and then stand on my ACL leg for 5 seconds at a time. 

I am more determined than ever to build up this leg muscle and get back to the dojo training floor.  I will definitely need to start slow and my instructors will all need to know my limitations (because I am not tearing this ACL again and will not be doing anything I’m not completely comfortable doing); but I am counting down the days now until I can return.  I can’t wait to put that gi back on.

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