April 15, 2008
No Words
There are no words to describe what it felt like to paint "summer moon" over top of Big I’s princess room and Lil C’s ocean room this past weekend. We made sure to get a photo shoot before we started painting so the girls would always remember their rooms. O.k., it was probably more for me than for them. . .
When the shoot was finished, Big I seemed at ease with the transition. Me on the other hand. . .
Then it was time for Lil C’s shoot.
Well, maybe there are a few words to describe it. . .
Can’t read it? "This Sucks" and "Buyers who don’t like kids rooms can KISS MY. . ."
All you really need to know is this. Big I now loves her room. Lil C has told me to "take that paint off acause I miss my blue room." You should also know that I sobbed as we painted Lil C’s room; but Mr. BBM helped to make it all better with Nachos Belle Grande and some Miller Light.
("After" pictures to follow later this week after new carpet is installed and my emotions aren’t so raw.)
My Mom, who is selling her house right now, recently told me that the longer her house is on the market, the more money she is pouring into it and it is killing her soul. How sad to have to paint over their lovely rooms. 🙁 Someone better buy the house now!