February 10, 2008

Moving Right Along

On Friday, I reached 142 degrees flexion.  I am fighting for every degree lately and it is painful.  When I go to physical therapy, I am there for at least two hours and I work like I have never worked before.  I also swear into my pillow a lot.  It’s paying off though.

I am finished wearing my brace.  I haven’t worn it since I walked into physical therapy on Friday.

I’m very nervous about people bumping into me in public.  Uneven sidewalk and icy conditions scare me half to death, but I am doing it.  The crutches have been packed away and the brace will soon follow.

Of course, I realize that at my post-op appointment in a few weeks, I’ll be fitted for a custom ACL brace but this one will be much less intrusive into my everyday life.  This is the brace that will eventually get me back to karate, tennis and Amy Winehouse karaoke. 

I spent my birthday weekend eating at a hibachi restaurant with my family, eating entirely too many chocolate cupcakes (thanks Mom), and painting my house like a weekend warrior mad-woman. 

We got an idea of what we’ll be able to sell our house for on Friday, and we are excited.  Our realtor didn’t balk at our "colorful" family room.  He didn’t even mind our pink counter tops (We didn’t do it-We inherited it).  He thinks we have a beautiful home and that it will sell quickly. 

This comes with many mixed feelings.  This is the home we finally put our stamp on and made our own.  We spent many weekends stripping flowery wallpaper, and painting beautiful little girl rooms, complete with murals, clouds, flying fairies, and ocean waves. 

Much to his surprise, I taught myself how to use suede paint like an expert while Mr. BBM was on a business trip.  I fell in love with this house when we bought it and it will be difficult to leave it.  Upstairs is the bathroom where I found out Lil C was on her way.  I brought Lil C home to this house for the first time and spent many happy times with family and friends inside these walls. 

I’ve realized though, that we can make any place our own.  Our memories are our memories and they are packed and stored neatly in our hearts and minds.  They travel well and they’ll go where we go, where we can make more memories. . .   

Over the weekend, we found a house we love.  It’s perfect. Saturday night, Mr. BBM and I both had dreams about it.  It’s in a great neighborhood, in a great school district and it has just the right amount of space for us.  Mr. BBM would have a private office.  The girls would have tons of closet space.  I would have my own walk-in closet (Can I get an AMEN from the ladies?), and we would have a usable yard where the girls would be able to play to their little hearts content. 

Now we just need to figure out if we can get all the options we want on the lot we want and how this whole thing will work out so that we’re neither homeless nor the proud owners of two homes.  That would be bad. 

2008 may prove to be a year full of exciting changes in the BBM household.   

Thanks to everyone for the awesome birthday stories and well-wishes.  I have to give a major THANK YOU to Sizzle for singing me a beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday" that made me wonder why she’s not being played ad nauseum on the radio right now.  I also have to say that Adam had a story so funny, I actually cried I laughed so hard.   

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