November 22, 2007

Things I’m Thankful for. . .

In no particular order. . .

  1. The guy who does my hair didn’t move to South Carolina.
  2. My Dad recovered from his craniotomy and is doing great.
  3. My grandmother is 90 years old, still living at her own home, and healthy.
  4. The BBM Review seems to really be taking off. 
  5. I have an awesome dojo "family."
  6. I have great friends in real life ("chex," Kim, Kim (not a duplicate-I have three Kim friends), Rachael, Shep, Shelley, Stacey, Stacey, ikigai, etc.)
  7. I have great online friends (Adam, John, Mat, Miss Chris, Frotoe, Scott, Deryck, Sizzle, the always controversial Steve, Nathan. . . Man, there are too many to list.)
  8. I have a very helpful family.
  9. I only have to use one crutch.
  10. I have a husband who cooks, cleans and does laundry without ruining my clothing.  He also takes really good pictures which will spare me from visiting The Picture People (see 11 & 12). 
  11. Lilccloseup Lilchula_2 
  12. Girls Bigi   
  13. Having a conservative doctor.
  14. Having an attentive and kind physical therapist.
  15. I live in a country where I’m able to speak up.
  16. Big I has a nurturing teacher this year.
  17. The people who hold the door open for me when I’m hobbling around.
  18. My massage therapist because I don’t think my neck ever would have gone back to normal without her.
  19. My chiropractor for his help and for recommending my massage therapist.
  20. Little Julia is finished with therapy and doing o.k.
  21. Being able to train with some of the most amazing martial artists at my dojo and at our training camps.
  22. Dark Chocolate because it gets me through whiny two-year old days.
  23. My fantasy football teams are kicking some serious booty these days.  WOOT!
  24. Adrian Peterson-oh yeah!
  25. Good training partners at the dojo.
  26. Diet Decaf Icy Tea
  27. That I was published this year and actually paid for it!  WOOT again!
  28. Neighbors with big dogs.
  29. Having inlaws that don’t drive me nuts for the most part.  😉
  30. When I came home a few weeks ago and my front door was wide open (and had been for three hours), there weren’t any robbers/killers/squirrels in my house.
  31. Mr. BBM having a great job so I’m able to stay at home with my girls.
  32. The motorcycle lady, because she got me through what might have been a rough day.
  33. Our troops, who deserve our endless support and thanks. . . THANK YOU!
  34. The National DO NOT CALL list.
  35. All of my AWESOME readers and commenters who can single-handedly make my day with your comments and emails.  I don’t take any of you for granted; and I thank you!
  36. All of you crazy lurkers who keep coming back for more despite not leaving comments. (I get to imagine that you’re Noah Wiley or Patrick Dempsey.) 😉
  37. All of the online publications who like my blog enough to publish me.
  38. My DVR.
  39. Project Runway

And now I’m just getting ridiculous, so on that note Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it, and to those who don’t, Happy Thursday! 

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