November 5, 2007

The Danger of Recorded Material

I was reading a post over at J’s place about making mix tapes today.  I doubt kids these days even know what that means.  These days, kids just make play lists on their MP3 players, something I’m still trying to figure out how to do.  They don’t have to worry about missing the beginning or ending of songs, or about some DJ screwing up the last couple lines for you.  Making a good mix tape off the radio was a major accomplishment back in my day. 

Sometimes, if I was drowning in algebra homework, I’d just put a tape in and record the entire Top 9 at 9 (or something like that) program on my local radio station, while I sat at the dining room table with my dad and rolled my eyes a lot.  Sure, the recording had commercials and lots of DJ talking but I could get the top songs, listen to them later, AND get to hear if any random boys were dedicating "Please Don’t Go Girl" (New Kids on the Block) to me. (Just in case you have no clue what I’m talking about, and for your listening pleasure, because I swear it is still a good song. . .)

On one particular occasion, my mix tape was awesome!  The Top 9 at 9 had featured all of the coolest songs like "Toy Soldier" for example.  I was hanging out in my bedroom, listening to the taped program after school, when the DJ said that it was time for listeners to call in for a chance to win New Kids on the Block tickets.  They were looking for the 102nd caller.

I frantically rushed to my parents bedroom and started dialing the radio station’s number.  I knew it by heart from requesting stupid New Kids on the Block songs on a regular basis.  If speed dial had existed back then, they would have been my #1. When calling during a contest such as this, it was quite common to get a busy signal until the DJ announced there was a winner; but my call went through and before I knew it the DJ had picked up the phone! 

"Oh MY GOD!" I screamed.  "AM I THE 102ND CALLER?????"

I was leaping for joy and imagining meeting and marrying Donnie Wahlberg when the DJ wrecked my fun.

"What?" he said with complete confusion and a dash of attitude. 

"AM I THE 102ND CALLER?" I yelled again.

And it was at that very moment that the tape player in my bedroom next door clicked to signal that I needed to flip the tape over. I needed to flip the tape over, and I really needed to hang up the phone.  I slammed down the phone and died a little bit of embarrassment.   

Since I wasn’t listening live that day, I’ll never know if I was on the radio live or not.  I really hope not.  If I was, I’m sure that the DJ and the listeners got quite a treat that day, and I don’t think I ever called into another radio station again.

MP3 Players are society’s way of making sure teenagers don’t suffer any unnecessary blows to the ego. Kids these days don’t know how good they have it.

What’s something dumb that you did as a kid?      

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