October 5, 2007

Impeccable Timing

Whenever Mr. BBM goes away, I should just lock myself in the house with the girls, not go anywhere or do anything.  Drama always happens. 

When Big I was a baby, Mr. BBM was away on a trip when we had a furnace fire in our apartment.  I woke up to a very smoky apartment and thought the entire building was burning down.  I managed to grab Big I and get out of there, but I could not get my cats.  I used to watch the news and get so annoyed with people who abandoned their pets inside burning buildings.  After going through that, I completely understand why.  Those cats were terrified and instead of coming to me so I could get them out, they chose to lay on the floor, under my bed at the exact center.  Even with my insanely long arms, I could not reach them, and knew I had to get Big I and myself out. 

Luckily, the fire stayed in the furnace; but after the firemen were finished going through my apartment, it was a mess and my entire place smelled like smoke for at least a good two weeks.   It took me hours to find my cats who had later buried themselves deep in my closet behind shoe boxes, as the firemen pretty much destroyed my apartment while looking for the fire by knocking down clothes in my closet, poking all the stuffed animals out of Big I’s toy hammock, etc. etc. 

If you’ve been visiting this blog for a while, you know that I was also carjacked by a pit bull while Mr. BBM was away last year. 

I thought, perhaps, we could escape the drama during this trip, but I was very wrong.

Big I had a half day today at school.  I pulled into the parking lot to pick her up and immediately noticed two very suspicious men walking around the parking lot of waiting parents, trying to sell pillows and flash lights to them.  Their car was loaded with stuff to sell. 

We have a simple procedure for picking up our children.  You enter on one side of the parking lot and pull all the way through.  You exit out the other side after everyone has their kids in the cars.  Their car was blocking traffic, and there was no way they could pull through to exit the parking lot.  There were cars blocking him in, in every direction.  I was parked behind and to the left of him.  When another Mom pulled in behind him, I knew there was going to be a problem.

The guy, who quickly realized he was soliciting in the wrong area, approached the woman who had pulled in behind him and told her to back up.  She told him that she couldn’t back up; he proceeded to get into his car and back up anyway.  So, to avoid being hit, she backed up and ran her front left bumper right into the back right of my car.  The damage is minimal; I just need a little paint, but I was upset. 

I approached the guys and told them to stop trying to back up and that they were just going to have to wait to exit like everyone else.  He gave me some attitude; I gave a little back and then decided to trust my gut.  I walked back to my car and called the police.  When I noticed an officer half a block away helping with traffic, I called for him and he came down to help. 

While the woman and I were exchanging insurance information, he was talking to the guys.  A few minutes later, the officer approached me and the other woman and told us that things were getting complicated.  Apparently, one of the guys had a warrant out for his arrest.

The kids came out of school and were getting into cars and leaving.  As the parents were driving out, police cars were surrounding the guys and their car.  By the time I left, there were five officers.  I backed out of the parking lot so as not to let those guys have another look at me, my car, or my kids. The other Mom did the same. 

I talked to the officer this afternoon.  The guys were selling their products without a permit from what he called a "semi-legitimate" warehouse, located over an hour away.  The car’s registration was expired; they had no insurance and were driving without licenses.  The car was impounded and they have been issued half a dozen traffic citations.  They also have to find their own way back home.  The officer I spoke with told me that he "knows where I can find a good contour pillow" if I need one.  It’s good to know that our police officers have a good sense of humor.    

I was relieved to hear that they weren’t wanted for anything major.  I’m hoping my drama for this business trip is over. 

On the flip side (as in an actual good thing), I made my "modeling debut" this week.  I’m the alternate view for the KD Elite Heavyweight Gi on Karate Depot’s website.  And just so we’re clear, I’m available for gi modeling only.  Victoria’s Secret will have to look elsewhere (as if).

Have a good laugh about that little thought, and a great weekend!   

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