September 30, 2007

Unfinished Business

Thank you for all of your fabulous guesses as to what Mr. BBM would bring me back from Germany.  The man did not disappoint, but apparently he’d like me to be fat and drunk.  Mr. BBM brought me back an insanely good box of chocolates from Germany.  It’s the kind of chocolate that you can’t stop eating, but if you eat more than two of them at a time you feel incredibly nauseous.  Lil C also highly approves.  She got a tube full of candy and a fairy backpack and doll, but as soon as I opened up that box of very expensive chocolates, she thrust her hand in there, came out with the biggest one in the whole box, and shoved the entire thing in her mouth.  Like mother, like daughter I guess. 

Mr. BBM also brought me back a box of chocolate covered cherries.  One minor difference between these and your ordinary chocolate covered cherries. . . these are filled, and I mean FILLED, with brandy.  I must be honest.  I am not a fan.  I didn’t realize that I was doing the equivalent of a shot on a Saturday afternoon after a morning full of karate.  I think I got a little buzz off that liquor filled chocolate and I don’t think I’ll be eating any more of them.  I also need to make sure they stay above little hands because one thrust of the little hands into that box and we’re going to have a problem in the form of a drunken toddler. 

Keeping with the drunken theme, Mr. BBM also brought me a box full of four varieties of chocolate liquors. I got on this little kick last year of occasionally having an evening dessert coffee with a drop of Godiva chocolate liquor, and apparently Mr. BBM thinks I should be having more of those.  One of the liquors has 87% cocoa.  That one’s going to be awesome. 

Speaking of awesome, I’ve apparently figured out who one of my lurkers happens to be. . .

Kyle apparently reads my blog "all the time" and tagged me for this meme, "7 Random Things about Me."  You already know weird things about me and other random facts so this one was difficult.  Hope it holds your interest better than those liquor cherries held mine. . .

1.  I am addicted to Webkinz. 

Do you know what these things are?  If not, then I strongly advise you to go to your local Hallmark store and pick one up.  They are these little stuffed animals that are totally adorable; but that’s not the addicting part.  They all come with a code.  You go to the website, enter the code, "adopt" your pet, name him/her, and then get started having fun.  They have games on that site that are more addicting than Tetris (Cash Cow 2 people, it’s awesome!).  They also have this tile tower game that I can NOT stop playing.  I admit that when Big I is at school, you can frequently find me on there playing a game or two.  When you play games, you earn money to buy things for your pet like food, appliances, clothes, and furniture.  I can’t afford furniture in my own house right now, but I can totally give Big I’s pets cool digs.  SO ADDICTING, but on the record?  I’m just playing to help Big I get more money.  Totally.

2.  I have a problem with "belly rubbers."

Pregnancy.  It’s an amazing miracle.  It’s exciting when you have this little life growing inside of you.  Sure, I spent hours with my hand on my stomach feeling Big I and Lil C kicking and moving all around.  But I was NOT a belly rubber.  Belly rubbers are those who are CONSTANTLY rubbing their stomachs.  ALL. THE. TIME.  When I was pregnant with Big I there was another woman who was pregnant and only a week or two ahead of me.  At two months (no lie) she would stand there talking to me about her baby and rubbing her stomach.  One day, I let her in on the fact that she was just rubbing her distended bowel, and not an actual baby.  That didn’t stop her.  I guess she enjoyed aiding her own digestion, but it really annoyed me.

3.  I am an amusement park nightmare.

If it goes back and forth, or around and round, I am not at all interested.  My Dad once made me go on this ride called "The Conestoga Wagon."  It’s sort of like one of those pirate ship rides, except instead of just back and forth, it goes up and all the way around.  I told my Dad I couldn’t do it but he insisted we all go on as a family.  Thinking back, he was probably worried that I would go off chasing some cute boy while the rest of the family was on the ride (He was probably right).  Anyway, he spent a couple dollars on a lemonade for me right before we went on the ride. It was completely and totally wasted, as I exited the ride and promptly barfed. Water flume rides, water park slides and Disney-ish rides are all good, but anything else is just not.  I’d rather eat my way through a park. 

4.  I can’t ever find ANYTHING.

At least once a day, I will usually call my husband at work and ask him, "Where is/are . . . ?"  You can insert the following words into that sentence: keys, purse, shoes, Lil C’s shoes, Lil C’s tooth brush, that leftover hamburger, Big I’s library book, etc.  Half of the blame goes to my brain which can’t remember where anything is, ever.  The other half of the blame rests squarely on Mr. BBM who is CONSTANTLY moving things on me.  For example, "Oh here’s a hammer.  I think I’ll put that in my underwear drawer."  GRR.  By the way, Mr. BBM will deny this but don’t listen to him. 

5.  Fellow bloggers are some of my best friends.

My parents think it’s weird.  Mr. BBM knows more about you guys than he does about my own family, I swear.  But I value my friendships via this blog so insanely much.  When Karl wrote about going on a date, I wanted to jump for joy.  When Da Mack Daddy and Maniacal Jenn had new arrivals to their families, I squealed with happiness for them.  When Scott beat cancer and started attacking life with vigor, I was overjoyed.  John is like my big brother in the martial arts world.  Papa Bradstein makes me laugh until I cry.  When my fellow martial arts bloggers get promotions, injuries, or something else entirely, I am right there with them, cheering them on, virtually or over my dinner table.  These links don’t even begin to scratch the surface.  I have great commenter buddies too, and I love all of you guys (except for those who flame me over stupid stuff, but that’s a different post. . . ). 

6.  Fantasy football has ruined cheering for my home team.

This year I was determined to get at least one player from my favorite team on my fantasy football teams.  I figured, that way, I would be able to cheer for my favorite team at least every once in a while.  It doesn’t help that I chose the wrong player, but I root against my favorite team a whole lot more than I root for them now.  For the same reason, I try not to take any players from teams I don’t like (Dallas Cowboys for example).  People talk about watching "the game;" but I’m much more interested in planting myself in front of the TV throughout the day Sunday and on Monday night to watch all the games.  Two years ago, I considered buying a Ladainian Tomlinson jersey.  I’ve never even been to San Diego!  Fantasy football has ruined me.  Ruined me, I tell you!

7.  I’m an "acquired taste."

People who take the time to get to know me, know that I am a very caring and generous person.  I’m also a lot of fun.  I’m the girl who will step up and sing karaoke when no one else will.  I’m the one who will do all of the interactive activities at the wax museum in order for me and my people to have the full experience.  However, there are people that I just don’t mesh with well at all.  My friend, who passed away last year, used to say that she liked me because she always knew where I stood.  She said I "shoot straight from the hip" and that’s very true.  I have no problem telling people what I think; I can be brutally honest (especially when it concerns my sister and her boyfriends).  I’m the girl who will stick up for someone when no one else will, because it’s the right thing to do (I once stepped into a very unfair fight and physically removed the guy who was getting beat up by three other guys while onlookers much bigger than I, stood there and did nothing to help him.)  I may not be everyone’s "cup of tea," but if we’re friends, you can feel pretty secure in the fact that I will always be honest with you and I always have your back.

Who to tag?  Who to tag?  If I linked you above, you’re it.  Have fun!

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