September 28, 2007
My husband went to Germany. . .
. . . and all I got was . . .
Well, what do you think? Think I’ll get anything at all (he comes back tomorrow)? I’m going with German shampoo samples from the hotel as my gift.
What do you think he’ll bring me?
Feel free to take a guess, even if you just rolled in here on a google search for scallop food poisoning. My visitor stats are going up like crazy, but my comments are not which means I have a lot of new lurkers. So, stop lurking and take a guess.
Top 5 things we Don’t want to see Mr. BBM bring home.
5) Any recipes for German food
4) New plans to invade France
3) A busty 18 year old summer-girl named Inga or Helga
2) A CD of Karaoke yodeling songs
1) A snazzy Lederhosen outfit for you from a German Anne Taylor outlet.
Hmmm maybe a nice ceramic beer stein?
I’m going for a German version of a chocolate bar that you already have back home, or something else they sell behind the hotel bar 🙂
Not really a lurker but I do hope you do better than my para-husband who had to make up for his bad presents from Australia (a mumu, a t-shirt and some outfit from Singapore that it too short and too wide) by getting me an iPod.
Well, I’m all for chocolate, and a nice bottle of German wine. Maybe exactly what you wanted and that you didn’t have to tell him. And that he gives you a night off to rest and do whatever you want. And extra Black Belt Papa snuggles.
Well,since I am in your favorite people, I felt obliged to comment and help your “stats”…
Yep, that’s it…when Mr. BBM gets home, you’re going to get lots of weinerschnitzel!
Sorry…couldn’t help myself there… LOL!
Towels to go with your small bottles of shampoo and conditioner.
One of those beer wench outfits.
A T shirt that says:
Someone I love went to Germany and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Well, hmmm…Not knowing where in Germany, why he was there or for how long, it’s really difficult to say. The following are what come to mind in order of likelihood:
1: A gaudy German beer stein
2: CD of Bavarian Polkas.
3: A spoon from the airport.
4: A decorative plate with a castle on it.
5: A cuckoo clock.
6: A sweater with metal buttons
7: A hat with a feather in it.
Leiderhosen for your Gi?
i can’t wait to see what he brings. i hope it isn’t a freebie from the hotel.
I also think it’s going to be a big brrt stein with one of those lids that open with the little thumb latch thing. Or maybe one of those big, long horns, unless they only have them in Switzerland 🙁
A cuckoo clock? Heard they are famous for that….. Maybe a sexy lingerie…. hehe
I’m guessing… a Herbert Gruenmeyer CD to replace your goddamn Justin Timberlake. 😉
a stein, chocolate, a Frankfurt shirt if in that city, pictures of things he saw w/o you.