August 31, 2007

Mixed Bag of Results

The minute I saw Big I’s face when I picked her up from school, I knew I wasn’t going to get a good report.  She looked tired, deflated, and just plain sad.  She started crying before we reached the car.  The day was too long, she missed me and Lil C too much, and she just wasn’t going back to do that again. 

We eventually got to the good stuff.  Her teacher is nice.  She had fun seeing her friends again.  Lunch wasn’t so bad.  There were two recesses (Man, who wouldn’t love that???).  She’ll get used to it.  She was like this last year with Kindergarten.  First grade is going to take some getting used to as well.  I’m really happy she has a four day weekend, and that next week is another short week.  She needs a gradual introduction to this all day business (and to be honest, so do I).  I must say though, that I held up way better than I did last year.  I had a teary moment or two, but that was it.  At least one of us made it through the day without full on tears.

After a couple hours of decompressing, Big I and I made our way to our new dojo.  It only took us about eight minutes to get there (during traffic-I’m so loving the shorter commute), so we were early.  We stood outside and talked about what we thought it was going to be like.  Big I was excited, but nervous.  I was feeling the same. 

Then, a fabulous looking motorcycle drove into the parking lot and there was our new teacher (an impressive 9th degree black belt even without the motorcycle entrance).  With such an outstanding entrance, Big I was already losing her nerves.  "Is that my teacher?" she asked excitedly.  Once inside, she was also very floored by the various pictures on the walls of our new teachers from magazines, newspaper articles, etc.  I explained who they all were, and she marveled, "Wow!  They’re famous!" 

We changed, got situated, were introduced and then started our work out, and a work out it was.  There were a couple hundred kicks (from a ground-fighting position which was new to us and pretty cool).  Yes, I will be paying for those cool kicks tomorrow.  The muscles are already starting to complain a bit. 

The higher ranks separated and did kata while Big I stayed with the lower ranks and worked on something else.  I don’t know what they were doing because I was concentrating on my own stuff; but I do know that she excitedly talked to me about seeing how to break that "muscle" which most people know as the collar bone on the way home.  I informed her that it’s actually a bone, for future reference.  That only increased the excitement. 

At the end of the two hours, I’m pretty sure there was steam rising from my head, and my gi. . . well, it needs to be washed and badly.  It was a great work out and a fun night.  It felt awesome to be back in karate class again.  I’m happy to say that my neck seems to have held up pretty well.  I’m sure I’ll have some soreness tomorrow, but that’s to be expected as I continue to heal.

Big I and I spent the drive home discussing our new dojo, and it’s quite obvious that she does not have the reservations about our new karate school that she obviously has about first grade.  It seems that Big I and I will fit in there quite well.  It already felt very comfortable.  Today may have been a bit shaky with the first grade business; but tonight was an overwhelming success. 

To all my regular commenters, comment moderation has been turned on until the spammers decide to give up. I got some of the most insane spam comments the other day and it just needs to stop.  So, sorry about the delay in seeing your comments up there; but they will all get up there eventually as long as you’re not trying to get me to transfer funds from Africa or something.  I appreciate all of your comments and will give you free reign soon.  Promise.

Also, one of my fabulous readers along with her "zoo" is walking for the Humane Society.  If you’d like to contribute to her efforts, go here.  You can also click the link in the sidebar. 

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