August 16, 2007

Crap Happens

Today our powder room toilet overflowed.  The powder room is directly beside our unsealed wood floors, so Mr. BBM and I both went charging at the offending river armed with pool towels that didn’t get put away yesterday.  Thank God I am a lousy-no-good housewife who doesn’t put stuff away unless company is coming.  The towels were right there, where we needed them most. 

That didn’t stop the water from going in the vents and flowing down through the floor into the basement though, where the water made contact with our printer, a keyboard, a ton of toys, etc.  I spent the entire morning spraying things down with a bleach solution and going through more paper towels than I ever thought possible.  The skin on my hands is now peeling.  Who needs a chemical peel or hot wax treatment when you can soak your hands in bleach instead? 

After cleaning up the mess, Lil C was eating her lunch in the kitchen.  She waved her spoon around and dropped a glob of applesauce on the floor. 

"Oh crap!" she said.

I can’t imagine where she would have learned that language from, because I. . . oh, who am I kidding?  She learned it from me!   I’m just glad she didn’t replace "crap" with its synonym friend that starts with "s."  Then I’d really be feeling crappy. 

Later in the afternoon, Big I fell down the stairs.  It sounded as if my washing machine had decided to take a joy ride of something, so I ran upstairs as fast as I could expecting the absolute worst: broken legs in every direction, blood, gore, missing teeth.  My heart was pounding out of my chest, I was so afraid at what I would see.

What I found was Big I sobbing and gingerly rubbing her bum.  I hugged her and asked her what happened and she said, "I stepped out and just lost my balance."  She started crying harder and then said, "It was awful Mommy.  It was like a stair luge."  Apparently we’re watching entirely too much of The Cat and the Hat around here.

For dinner tonight, I made a Mexican feast.  We had taco’s with ground beef and rice.  Lil C used to eat absolutely ANYTHING you put in front of her.  Lately, she’ll eat "matos" and "bluedas" only (that’s tomatoes and blueberries for those of you who don’t speak toddler).  She’ll also occassionally eat crackers, but only on every third day between the 1:15 and 1:18 p.m.  She’ll eat cheese as well, but only on Wednesday’s when it rains.  She will also tell you she wants "or-nanj-juice" right up until you hand her the cup, and then it’s "malk."  The whining that comes with her drink requests is free. 

This is the kid who used to ask for "mar broc-O-lee peese" (more broccoli please).  She’d also eat hamburgers, steak, grilled chicken, salmon, potatoes, spinach (yes, I said spinach), and any fruit you put in front of her.  We’ve gone from that to "matos" and "bluedas" and my patience is wearing a bit thin. 

Apparently Lil C’s is too because with each meal Mommy must now serve an appetizer.  Everyone wants something from me and NOW, and they all want something different. I feel like a short order chef as of late and it’s only going to get worse.

For the past few weeks, Big I has been asking us with great interest, whether or not what she’s eating is from an animal.  She declared a few weeks ago that she will only eat animals that are "not cute."  We convinced her that chickens are nasty looking.  We also convinced her that humans only eat the ugly cows. 

Tonight, she stopped buying that.  I wrapped up a taco for her and she sat there staring at it for a while.  "Is this from an animal?"

"Yes" I said.  Keep in mind that I have a super sensitive stomach.  I don’t like to think about the unpleasantries that may have happened before my ground beef got put on a styrofoam slab and wrapped in plastic.  If I had to do you-know-what, I’d be a vegetarian; but I don’t have to, so I eat meat and gladly. 

"Mommy?" Big I asked.

"What?" I said.

"Can you take the cow out of my taco?  I don’t want to eat it anymore" she said.

I told her that’s all fine and good if she doesn’t want to eat animals anymore, but that we’re going to have to find other ways to add protein to her diet.  She wasn’t happy with the protein choices I gave her.  I have a feeling big sister is headed for the mato and blueda diet herself. 

She also started bringing up my sister, Crazy Aunt E.  I love my sister dearly, but when I went off to college, my sister decided she was going to become a vegetarian.  I came home on a break and was excited to be eating one of my Mom’s awesome burgers and then I bit into. . . that.  It was one of the early versions of veggie burgers and it tasted worse than a slab of cardboard.  I protested.  My Dad nodded silently in agreement, but did nothing to join my protest.  He must have already learned that it did no good. 

It was a vegetarian nightmare after that.  I can’t tell you how relieved I was that my Mom didn’t cave in when it came to Thanksgiving turkey time.  Of course, my sister refused to sit at the table with us while we ate "carcass" and kept asking if she could go bury it (which come to think of it, might be why I can’t tolerate that kind of talk anymore), but I didn’t let her bother me then.  I was a college student and I was starving for good food. 

Picky eating I can tolerate.  Big I ate nothing but noodles and nectarines for an entire year of her life.  But vegetarianism?  I just can’t handle it, not this week anyway. 

I’ve clearly had enough crap for one week.   

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