July 8, 2007

Floating, Oozing, and Encores

When I went to karate last week, I had to climb in my moon roof because my head wouldn’t fit through the door or even in the car for that matter.  Driving with your head sticking out of the moon roof is not easy.  Despite all the odd looks I got and the few bugs who met an unfortunate fate, driving in such a fashion was not all that bad (Bugs are protein right?).  I’ll deal with the bugs, because compliments like the ones I got certainly don’t come every day.  When you guys like something, you know how to compliment the hell out of a girl, so thank you all!

After watching all the comments and emails rolling in from across the blogosphere in response to my debut music video, I came to two possible conclusions: either the mirrors in my house are straight out of a fun house, or my readers need to seriously consider seeing an eye doctor.  I’m going with the latter. 

Mr. BBM is so thrilled with the response from the video that he’s been scratching his head trying to think of an encore.  I had imagined this would be a one-time thing but Mr. BBM says that it was entirely too much fun to only do once.  After such a fabulous response to the debut, I don’t think I’d ever be able to top it, so he’s going to have to do some major convincing for me to get out the echo microphone and heels and come out of retirement.  I think I’m more of a one-hit wonder. 

In other news, mosquito’s are not the least bit threatened by a bo.  I’ve been taking advantage of the nice weather to work on my bo kata’s and bunkai outside.  I figure I better get all of the bo kata’s and their applications nailed down now since winters where I live are not exactly bo friendly. 

Before I went outside, I sprayed a decent amount of natural bug repellent on my arms and legs.  It spelled worse than the DEET stuff, a harsh concoction of lemon and eucalyptus.  I think the spray is more of a human repellent than anything else though.  I know I wouldn’t want to stand near me smelling like that!  The mosquito’s, on the other hand, must be really into citrus fruits.  My legs are currently a spotted mess of itch and ooze. 

The good news is that despite the attack of the mosquito’s, days later I am able to walk a stranger through the bunkai.  It is definitely starting to stick in that slippery brain of mine.  The bo kata’s are starting to make a lot more sense to me, which is a big relief.  If only bunkai came as easily as lip syncing. . .   

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