June 29, 2007

Back to Class

Are you old enough to remember the whole break-dancing craze?  If you’re reading this blog, chances are that your answer is "yes."  I don’t know about you, but I always watched my friends (mostly guys) who could spin around on their backs for what felt like the entire song and do all kinds of other crazy stuff in absolute awe.  I was a Roger Rabbit pro for sure.  Need some Vanilla Ice, Ice Baby moves?  Got those too.  But break dancing completely escaped me.  I had no clue. 

If only I had a capable karate person to help me back in the day. . .

I spent lots of time spinning around on the floor tonight.  There were many bunkai questions and after a two week break from being the "attacker", I definitely got my share of wrist locks, take downs and other fun tonight.  We spent a lot of time on bunkai and self defense tonight and it felt great to get back in the dojo for the first time since returning from vacation. 

Whenever we have a class heavy on self defense, I always come home and try things out on my husband.  He’s 6’4" and a fairly big guy.  He’s got a lot of upper body strength, especially when compared to my spaghetti arms so it’s always a good test for me when it comes to whether or not I’m using good technique. 

I’ll be honest.  Many times when I come home and try things out on him, I am discouraged.  I get very frustrated with not being able to get it quite right.  It is a completely different thing to practice with a person your size at the dojo and then go to someone much bigger at home. 

Tonight was not one of those discouraging nights. 

While in the course of going through a particular scenario, a question came up as to what to do if a person approaches you and grabs you or your shirt with both hands.  Instead of trying to get out of the hold, my instructor took a bigger guy, put his hands over top of the attacker’s hands, held on tight, stepped back and sent the "attacker" flying onto the floor.  It was an absolutely awesome move that I haven’t seen before. 

I came home, told Mr. BBM to grab my shirt and then I proceeded to take him for a ride. 

"That was awesome!" he said.  "Man, that really works!" 

He was so excited about that move that we ended up working on different things, taking turns as the attacker, for about an hour.  And then, towards the end, Mr. BBM asked me to show him some blocking drills again to get them back in his head. 

I didn’t think it would happen, but maybe, just maybe, Mr. BBM will come back to karate at some point.  I guess he’ll have to if he wants to keep up with me, right? 

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