June 16, 2006

As predicted. . .

Lil C has a fever of 102.5.  That’s with the Tylenol.  She is cranky, miserable, and I can’t blame her.  I was there on Tuesday.  It wasn’t fun.  I am feeling much better as of this afternoon.  In fact, I was feeling so much better that when the head instructor of my karate school emailed to say he could meet me at the dojo for some private review. . . I knew I had to get there tonight. 

Lil C was only slightly warm when I left at 5 p.m.  I gave her some Tylenol, fed her, and went on my way.  The plan was to get there by 5:30, work out for a half hour, and then be home by 6:30.  Two of my instructors were there, so we started talking.  We talked for a while and then got down to business.  We went through all of the material for my 4th kyu test. . . all of it several times.  I got home around 8:00 p.m.  Oops. 

My husband was thrilled with me. He had made dinner while holding a screaming inconsolable baby.  At one point he had to turn dinner off so he could hold our screaming inconsolable daughter.  Lil C finally passed out in protest after screaming her head off looking for me.  My husband said he’s never heard her cry like that.  I felt horrible about it.  Really, I did. 

At the same time, I haven’t been to karate in three weeks.  I needed to go and have some one-on-one time; and it was glorious.  I savored every second, even when my instructor was contorting my arms into extremely uncomfortable positions to demonstrate yet another way to get out of a choke hold. 

Official testing is in the morning, but unless Lil C has a miraculous recovery, I’m not going to make it.  Tonight, while practicing, my instructor told me that I have passed, so if I don’t make official testing tomorrow it’s not a big deal.  I will be promoted next week with everyone else.  I’m just going to go in before my regular class and run through the kata’s as a formality one more time.  4th kyu. . . three brown stripes on my green belt.  When the stripe goes on the belt, I will be over the hump.  I will be closer to black belt than I am to white.  Next time I test, I will earn my brown belt.  So cool.

The best thing about tonight is that after a couple run throughs on my weapons kata, and after coming home and running through it a few more times, I am able to do it well and with confidence.  My open hand kata is in great shape as well.  The last time I tested, I felt I didn’t deserve the promotion.  I felt I passed by the skin of my teeth.  I felt like they had given me a gift.  I don’t like feeling like that.  This time I don’t.  I’ve earned it; I know my stuff. 

Next week I start looking forward towards 3rd kyu and the material I need to learn. . .

Tonight I’m just going to take care of my baby (who will be up every hour on the hour I’m sure), and pray that Big I is spared this crazy summer flu.

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