June 14, 2007

SPF Failure and other Vacation Adventures

You can forget the black belt; just call me "Red Backed Mama" from now on.  It will take at least a week for the fluorescent red to fade.  In the meantime, if you need a cool light for a party or something, or perhaps a flashing traffic light?  My back is for hire. 

It’s not like I wasn’t careful.  I sprayed SPF 30 on my back and then what I think happened is, my hair quickly wiped all the SPF action away. 

Of course, building a huge sand castle for like two hours and facing my back in the same direction towards the sun probably didn’t help things.  I’d like to also mention that both children could have cared less about said sand castle. . . but when I start something, I finish it damn it.  So I went at that mound of sand with gusto until I was shaky from lack of food. 

When I returned to the beach after eating lunch, the tide had come in but my castle was sort of holding its own. . . right up until some bratty boy jumped all over it.  Like any good martial artist will do, I practiced restraint.  I had to after all, because Lil C took off at warp speed after yet another seagull, my favorite animal ever.  Right

After getting Lil C occupied with putting sand in her hair and down her swimsuit, my Dad and I took Big I out in my dad’s ocean kayak.  He held the back; I held the front and Big I got the ride of her life while my Dad and I got a workout (and a few shin and knee bruises).   





While the kayak slammed into my shins and the waves threatened to take me and my swimsuit for a whirl, Mr. BBM snapped away with his camera.




Afterward, Mr. BBM was quite proud of his photographic skills.  All I saw was a Black Belt Mama butt that was:
A. Too large
B. Too white
C. Too disproportionate with the rest of my body
D. All of the above. 

Hmm, let me think. . . I’m going with. . . D.  Regardless of me and my butt issues, Big I had a blast. 

Lil C hasn’t been left out of the fun this week either.  At the aquarium, she made fast friends with fish, turtles, otters, and a couple sharks who were eyeing her up.  Video of her chasing seagulls may be forthcoming if I can figure out how to do that. 



At Cape Hatteras, Big I and Mr. BBM climbed up to the top of the lighthouse (equivalent to a 12-story building) while Lil C and I stayed safely on the ground.



Back that thing up child!  It’s so good I wasn’t up there because she would have had all body parts touching the outside of the building.  Standing at the railing???? I think NOT!


Two of those little specks down there are Lil C and me. 

And now, I’m about to go show Mr. BBM what’s up in a spirited game of tennis.  The last time I played singles with him, I was about 6 months pregnant and I gave up after a good fight.  I’m thinking he’s going down in flames. 

Red Backed Mama. . . out. 

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