May 17, 2007

Where’s Grammom Shopping???

Lil C has kindly decided to share her stomach virus with me.  It’s been a fun week full of unintended weight loss and other unpleasantries.  I think I have the perfect work out plan: bronchitis (toned abs) chased with a nasty stomach virus (weight loss).  I’m going to have a beach bod simply from being sick.  I guess that is what’s called looking at life with rose-colored glasses.  If you’d like to hear what it’s been like you can go read this post from last summer, because it’s pretty similar.  Subtract out the scallops and add in Lil C’s virus as the culprit and that pretty much tells the story (minus the hospital this time around, thank God). . .

So due to my hiatus, here’s a little something I prepared over the weekend which I think you’ll enjoy. . .

My grandmother will turn 90 years old this June.  She never ceases to be empty-handed when she sees my kids.  Big I has about 4000 notebooks and/or coloring books that my grandmother has given her over the years (I, on the other hand, am never lacking dish towels for which she keeps me in constant supply). 

On Saturday, of Mother’s Day weekend, we all got together.  My grandmother gave my daughter a little notebook and Big I went right to work on filling it up with pictures.  On Saturday night my parents watched the girls so Mr. BBM and I could have a very much needed night out. 

The next day we got a phone call from my Mom telling us we might want to get rid of Big I’s new notebook from her Great-Grammom.  Here is the image and wording that appears on each page of the notebook. . .


Apparently, while Mr. BBM and I were out, Big I took a little closer look at that image and asked my Mom, "Why is that girl bunny looking down that boy bunny’s pants?"  My Mom about fell over and did what any responsible Mom-Mom would do. . . she told Big I to go ask Pop-Pop.  My Dad took one close look at the image and wording and erupted into laughter.  Only after minutes of this was my Mom able to give Big I the likely (wink, wink) explanation that the girl bunny was just showing the boy bunny how much weight he had lost.  Way to go Mom! 

That convinced Big I for the time being.  Somehow I’m not convinced that explanation is the right one.  So my question is, who decides to put this kind of image on a notebook?  But more importantly, where is Grammom shopping??? 

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