May 9, 2007

Interview Meme

This has been going around the internet, even more rampant than the sicknesses around my household.  Since I’m practically a shut-in from the allergies turned bronchitis, and Lil C’s virus I thought I’d participate.  J from Thinking About posed these five questions of me: 

Is there any food you could eat everyday without getting sick of it?

The only thing that comes to mind is dark chocolate.  I absolutely love dark chocolate, the darker the better. 

Do you consider yourself to be practical, a free spirit, or lazy?

This one is kind of tough since I think all those descriptions are so different.  I think I’m a pretty practical person.  I think I’m probably too high strung to be considered a free spirit although my birth sign strongly disagrees with that assessment.  Lazy?  Sometimes I can be, but when you consider that I’m a stay at home Mom, part time work from home recruiter, working on writing a book, Team Mom for Big I’s t-ball team, and very much committed to my karate, I don’t think lazy describes me at all. 

What do you consider to be the most important quality in a person?

Honesty.  I hate liars.  Just ask some of my ex-boyfriends.  Nothing makes my blood pressure go through the roof as much as when someone lies to me.  Along with honesty is just being a really good person, someone who is honest with others and also honest with themselves.  I can’t stand when people are passive-aggressive and not direct about things either.  I think all of that falls under the category of honesty and I think that is the most important and admirable quality a person can have.

If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

I wish I wasn’t so sensitive about things.  It upsets me when people say things about me or my kids.  Things tend to just sit in my head and simmer for a while.  I can’t seem to let rude comments go and I really wish I could.

Smoking or Non?  If non-smoking, have you ever been a regular smoker?

NON!  I am the person reporting people who throw cigarette butts out their windows.  I also tell smokers to move away from entrances to stores so that my kids don’t have to inhale that crap; and I have no problem telling teenagers they’re being stupid when I see them smoking or asking them to move away from me and my kids if they continue to be stupid. 

That being said (and PLEASE let this be the entry my parents do not read), I was stupid in college and when I was out and around my friends I occassionally smoked.  I can’t even begin to say how much I regret having done that.  It was so stupid.  One day, I made up my mind that I was done and that was it.  I never did it again.  I wouldn’t say I was a regular smoker at any point in my life though.

Here are the rules if you’d like to play:

1.  Leave me a comment saying "Interview Me."

2.  I will respond by emailing you five questions.  I get to pick the questions.

3.  You will update your blog with the questions and answers.

4.  You will include this explanation and offer to interview readers in the same post.

5.  When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Depending on how many more diapers I have to change today, it may take me a couple days to get these out if you choose to be interviewed. 


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