April 24, 2007

A Certainty of Parenthood

If there is one thing you can count on as a parent, it’s this:  When you plan to get your child/ren’s pictures taken, they will inevitably take a header on the sidewalk and end up with a brush burn on the forehead and a bruise on the nose. 


I had Lil C outside for hours yesterday.  She flicked dirt into her eyes a couple times while "helping" me plant "flowfers".  She fell down on her knees a couple times and did some minor damage to the backs of her little legs as she was doing the sit, scoot, boom down concrete stairs because she was in too much of a hurry to wait for me to take off my dirty gardening gloves.  Over all, the damage was relatively minor. 

But Mr. BBM takes the child outside for all of five minutes tonight and the screaming erupts.  I don’t know.  I think Mom’s must have this built-in ability to sense when their child is about to fall.  She fell many times yesterday, but beside a few bumps on the knee, it was nothing that was going to deter me from having her pictures taken.  Tonight’s injury is a whole different ball game, so her 18 month pictures are quickly becoming her 19 month pictures.  Either that or I just accept that I have a bruiser for a child and just go through with it anyway with a pink bow in her hair and a welt on the head to match.


Edited to add:  Two days later, this is where we’re at with these boo-boo’s. . .


I think my only hope of getting her pictures taken before summer is to put her in a hockey jersey.  Now if Big I could just lose a tooth. . . that would be a picture.

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