January 16, 2007
Everyone knows that those "Cutest Kid" contests are nothing more than a popularity contest. Here’s the scenario: a Mom submits a picture of her child and then spends the entire day hitting refresh and clicking through to vote, vote, vote, for her child as the cutest. If she’s feeling really ambitious, she’ll email all her friends and family members and beg for their votes as well. The contests are not about which child is the cutest. They’re about endurance, will-power, and dedication. How long can one Mom sit in the same location and vote, vote, vote???
Dedicated readers of Black Belt Mama. . . I beg of you. . . go here and click through with the "See More Kids button" until you see Lil C in the 0-2 category and Big I in the 3-5 category and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. If you have an extra minute or six hours or so, I’d really appreciate it. You’re always telling me how cute these gals are anyway, right? And plus. . .
My fingers are soooo tired.
Edited to add: I went to the grocery store, came back, and my munchkins are in the top ten!?! You guys and gals ROCK! Keep it up!
Okay, I did it!
Awwww, Big I is in the top 10 (yes I voted)