August 24, 2006

There’s a new karate-ka in town

Let me just tell you that Lil C is a NATURAL at this whole martial arts thing.  She put her gi on and instantly made her way to her port-a-crib where she taunted the Teletubbies who inhabit it and threatened to show them "what’s up."


She then had a thought.  Why attack the teletubbies when I can go bite Mommy with my new tooth (did I mention she’s up to FIVE now with a sixth that will push through this week)?  So, Lil C crawled her way over to me and proceeded to bite my tank top and pull back a good foot with it still in her mouth.  She won’t just punch or kick her opponents.  Oh no!  She’ll devour her opponents live.


After taking down Mommy, she decided to take a breather and read her favorite blog for a bit. . .


After her break, she contemplated attacking Big I’s hand.  (Big I was HYSTERICAL watching Lil C maneuver around in her gi.  Mommy’s commentary sort of helped the laughter along as well.)


She first checked her "weapons" to make sure they were still in working order. . . they were.


But don’t stress y’all.  Just because Lil C has taken up karate doesn’t mean that she’s all warrior, all the time. . .


To the contrary. . . I mean who ELSE could be happy when practicing "break falls"?  Not me, that’s for sure!


And the proud mama would just like to point out that the little left leg of hers is in almost perfect snap kick position.


Who cares that she uses her "black belt" as a teether?  That’s just to throw off her opponent.  She’s innovative, creative, and will only add to her already formidable list of signature moves.

My next post is up over at Save the Soldiers.  It’s all about my TOP SECRET Fantasy Football draft strategy.  If you know anything about football, you’ll probably get a kick out of it, literally.

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