April 9, 2006

100 Things

I’ve seen these on a lot of blogs I read.  I thought it would be fun to try.  It took me FOREVER.  Enjoy!

  1. I am not a morning person, at all.
  2. I have auditioned for two reality tv shows.
  3. One rejected my husband and I because we "looked too good." (A Makeover Story)
  4. I have dated two valedictorians in my life.
  5. I married the second one.
  6. I was the first one of my friends to get married.
  7. I was the first one of my friends to have a baby.
  8. My favorite alcoholic drink is the margarita.
  9. Bass is my favorite beer.
  10. I drink entirely too much iced tea.
  11. I’ve been to Disney World six times.
  12. I honeymooned in St. Lucia.
  13. I HATE the Sandals resort and will NEVER go back ever ever ever.
  14. The only bone I ever broke was my finger.
  15. I broke it when I got hit by a car while riding my bike.
  16. I have always wanted to learn karate.
  17. Until age 29 I was too afraid to try.
  18. I have beat up three people in my life.
  19. Two of them were guys.
  20. All of them deserved it
  21. All of them were pre-karate.
  22. I was in a major car accident while in college.
  23. I’m still terrified of tractor trailer’s because of it.
  24. I love the Outer Banks, NC.
  25. I have been there at least 15 times.
  26. My favorite color is blue.
  27. Almost every shirt I own is blue (sad, but true).
  28. You know all those political signs on the sides of roads?  I put them there last election.
  29. I voted for Bush, and am proud of it.  (Please address all hate mail related to this comment to yourself.  You’ll feel better getting it out of your system; and I’ll feel better because I won’t have to waste time hitting delete.)
  30. I love playing fantasy football.
  31. I HATE losing.
  32. I am EXTREMELY competitive.
  33. I met my husband when I was 19.
  34. I got married when I was 23.
  35. I had my first baby when I was 26.
  36. I cry when I pack up baby clothes that is too small.
  37. I had two babies and never got an epidural.
  38. I had looonnnnggg labors.
  39. I only said two mean things to my husband during the course of those labors, one for each baby.
  40. I did swear quite a bit.
  41. My first concert was Vanilla Ice.
  42. I once looked like Vanilla Ice when my aunt waxed my eyesbrows and seriously screwed up. 
  43. As an adult, I went to see Justin Timberlake.
  44. My husband and I were the only ones old enough to drink beer (unless you count the dad chaperones).
  45. I love Prince.
  46. I’ve been at concerts from his last two tours and they were awesome.
  47. And I did wear purple and black.
  48. People tell me I look like Meryl Streep.
  49. myheritage.com tells me I look like Jennifer Aniston, Emma Thompson, and Sarah Jessica Parker
  50. I hate Star Wars.
  51. My husband hates that I hate Star Wars.
  52. I suffered through the last movie in the theatre while extremely pregnant.
  53. I studied French for five years.
  54. I only know the swear words.
  55. I studied Spanish for one semester in college.
  56. I only know what Shakira has taught me.
  57. I have been published a hand full of times.
  58. I love Mexican food.
  59. I don’t like to cook.
  60. But I make a great chicken marsala.
  61. Until adulthood, I was always better friends with guys.
  62. Now, I have a hand full of great girl friends whom I couldn’t live without.
  63. I am very opinionated.
  64. I am easily annoyed.
  65. I am NOT a touchy-feely person.
  66. Guys in high school were afraid of me.
  67. With good reason (see # 21)
  68. I considered myself a feminist until I took a women’s studies class.
  69. Now I think that a lot of feminists screwed things up for women. (Regarding hate mail, see #28)
  70. I gave birth with the help of a midwife.
  71. I went home the same day I gave birth.
  72. I’m obsessed with 24, Lost, and Grey’s Anatomy.
  73. I played field hockey in high school.
  74. I play tennis now.
  75. I don’t feel like I’m in my 30’s.
  76. Most people don’t think I’m in my 30’s. (At least that’s what they say.)
  77. I am extremely overprotective when it concerns my daughters and my little sister.
  78. I like rap music.
  79. I LOVE to dance.
  80. I don’t like to work out.
  81. I do love playing sports.
  82. I am addicted to dark chocolate.
  83. I am not a fan of anything Clinton.
  84. I am a brutally honest person.
  85. Probably too honest sometimes.
  86. I have a hard time saying "No" when asked to help/volunteer, etc.
  87. I check on my baby’s breathing at least four times each night.
  88. I hit my husband and tell him to roll over because of his snoring at least four times each night.
  89. I can’t stand people who litter.
  90. I have parking lot road rage.
  91. I have about 4000 pictures of my kids displayed in my house.
  92. I still don’t think that’s enough.
  93. I’m tall for a girl.
  94. But I can’t play basketball to save my life.
  95. I will occasionally sing karaoke, usually after a margarita or four, but only when I’m out of state.
  96. If I do, I usually sing Macy Gray, Pebbles or B-52’s.
  97. But, I am most amused when my husband sings ACDC.  He is seriously good!
  98. I never intended to be a stay at home Mom.
  99. I changed my mind when I felt my first daughter kick.
  100. I feel that staying home is the best decision I have ever made.
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