Recycline Preserve Tootbrushes

July 10, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Household 

If you watch as much HGTV as I do, then you know what I’m talking about when I say that they are always telling you ways you can "go green."  I am here to tell you that I have the big news before HGTV this time, because I haven’t ever heard of them making a deck out of toothbrushes.


Recycline is a US company that takes recycling seriously.  Here’s how it works: buy a recycline toothbrush at your local Target store or purchase online.  When it’s time to be tossed, print out a mailing label from the Recycline website, and mail your used toothbrush to them for free.  Used toothbrushes are made into plastic lumber which can be used for decks, park benches, etc.  It’s a very cool idea.  Plus, it’s great to be able to support a company that happens to reside in the US.

The toothbrushes are $2.04 at Target or $2.79 online or you can buy a pack of four for $11.00 on the Recycline website.  They also have other products, including razors, that they can recycle as well. 

The toothbrush itself is your basic toothbrush.  One thing that I’m really picky is about is the bristles.  I like a soft bristle toothbrush and Recycline delivers on this must-have.  The only negative about the toothbrush is that, unlike my electric one, it doesn’t stand up on its own. 

If you would like more information on Recycline and their products, please visit their website.  There’s also a downloadable coupon on the site if you’re interested in giving it a try.

BBM gives the Recycline Preserve toothbrush:

BBMReview Brown Belt Award


June 24, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Household 

I can’t tell you how many of my credit cards have been ruined while Mr. BBM has tried to break into our own house.  Most of these attempts ended up with calls to both a locksmith and the credit card company.  Or, Mr. BBM just used these incidents as excuses to ruin, what he deems my non-essential credit cards, like Victoria Secret for example.

The days of wrecking my plastic and blowing $60 on a locksmith are over.  I’d like to introduce to you my fabulous new shiny brass friend.


This fabulous keyless entry deadbolt retails for about $128 in stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s.  You can also purchase it directly from Schlage in a variety of finishes. 

Although I unwrapped the packaging in a few minutes flat, it took my husband about 20 minutes to install the new deadbolt.  It comes with everything you need and instructions that are easy to follow, even if you speak alien.

Once installed, you only need press the main key, followed by your four digit code to gain entry to your home.  To lock the deadbolt on the way out, all you need to do is press the main button and turn the lock.  No key is required for entry or exit.  Add to that the fact that you can program the lock to work with a variety of codes and this is even better.  Want to provide entry for your cat-sitter without giving the main code?  Codes can easily be added and deleted from memory and the deadbolt works with a battery (included with the lock-how nice is that?  Maybe toy companies should take note!). 

If you’re looking for an attractive way to spruce up your deadbolt and add additional security and peace of mind for those keyless days, you really need look no further. 

For its stylish presentation, ease of installation, and the fact that I don’t have to worry about forgetting my keys anymore, BBM gives the Schlage digital deadbolt. . .

BBMReview Black Belt Award

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

May 23, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Household 

When a house is for sale, a home seller does a whole lot of cleaning.  Trust me, my house has been on the market for three months now.  So when I was offered a container of new Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to try, I couldn’t possibly refuse. 

I expected my skin to pretty much burn off at first touch, but despite the fact that they’re called Clorox, there is no bleach in them (I found this out when I was about to go all ballistic on my poison ivy rash with some straight-up bleach and my husband disappointed me by saying there is no such thing in the wipes).  Despite them not having bleach, they clean like they do and they leave a super nice fresh scent in their wake, which is fabulous for last minute cleanings before showing one’s home to potential buyers.

Gentle on my hands, but tough on germs, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes boasts that it can kill the flu virus.  The lavender scented wipes smell lovely and they are thicker than a baby wipe, which makes cleaning up a breeze.  They are super handy to have in the kitchen, and they work great in bathrooms as well.  Convinced my poison ivy rash that keeps on coming was being distributed via my door handles, I also used them on all the doorknobs in my house.  It’s a whole lot more convenient using these wipes than carrying around a roll of paper towels and cleaner. 

The only problem with these wipes?  I just don’t have enough of them yet.  When I don’t look like a leper anymore, I’m heading to the store and you probably should too.  For more information on Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, go here.

Because they smell really nice and work quite well, BBM gives Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. . .

BBMReview Black Belt Award

Lice MD

April 12, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Household 

Last summer, while playing outside with my three year old son, I heard some screaming and crying from the neighbor children.   Kids are normally loud creatures, but this particular scream variety suggested something was amiss.  Because their mother was with them, I continued to play with my son while watching the events next store.  After the screaming, I noticed some ape-like behavior.  The mother sat with her daughter between her legs, picking something out of her hair.  An hour later, the girls were slathered in some gooey, stinky liquid that clearly could kill some animal breeds.  You know where I am going with this, don’t ya?


Evidently, the girls next door had lice.  And they kindly play with my son regularly.  And they continued to play with my son that day. All I have to say is, "EW!" We have all been faced with a breakout of lice, but I had never faced this as a parent.  I never had it as a child, although friends had.  I spent the next few weeks searching my son’s head for unwanted inhabitants, reading every normal each as a bite from the little critters.  Thankfully, no one set up shop on my son’s had.

I recently found out about a new product, Lice MD, that is used to treat lice and their lovely eggs.  You bet I will be buying this in the event of a lice outbreak in our house.  As parents, we are always terrified what we put in and on our kids…not to worry with Lice MD.  Lice MD is pesticide free, non-toxic, and odorless.  No dyes or perfumes!   Pediatricians have tested this and it has been proven effective.  It boasts a one-step application for even long and thick hair.  Sounds great to me!

So, if you find yourself ravaged by those unfriendly little head vermins, head over to They have put together a great website with a ton of useful information to ease the freaked out moms faced with lice.  And bonus, there’s a coupon!!  Then had to your pharmacy for your own package and stop your outbreak quickly, effetively and without worry.  I have a feeling with the school years coming upon us quickly, Lice MD just might be a staple in our house! 

Green Works by Clorox

February 29, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Household 

When my husband and I bought our first house and had our first daughter many years ago, I went on a little "natural cleaner" kick.  It didn’t last long.  I used the stuff twice, each time getting a bigger headache than if I had used noxious acid to clean, and promptly threw it out.  "Natural cleaners" back then weren’t what they are today.  It was horrible.

Many years later, we use mostly organic cleaners in the house, which is why I was very anxious to try Green Works by Clorox.  I was expecting there to be a bad smell associated with the cleaner, but I was pleasantly surprised.  The smells of both the glass and surface cleaner and the all-purpose cleaner are actually very pleasant.  Both products offer a very clean, fresh smell, with just a hint of citrus.  For someone with a sensitive nose that can turn a headache on instantly, I was really pleased with the result. 

Green Works does a really good job too.  When your house is up for sale, you are constantly cleaning so I went right to work with the products.  Both of them do a great job.  The glass and surface cleaner leaves no streaks behind and the all purpose cleaner does a great job as well.  With ingredients like coconut oil and lemon in them, you can rest assured that you’re not polluting the household air with any unnecessary chemicals. 

Currently, the products are 99% natural, but Clorox is working to get that additional 1% natural as well.  If you’d like to find more information about Green Works by Clorox, you can do so here.

For how well it works and for it being a healthy alternative to cleaners with chemical fumes, BBM gives Green Works by Clorox: 

BBMReview Brown Belt Award

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