Better Breakfast, Better You; Jimmy Dean D-Lights

December 29, 2010 by · 119 Comments
Filed under: Food and Drink 

This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Jimmy Dean; however, the opinions and views expressed are my own.

New Years resolutions are frequently forgotten about one week into the new year. People often choose resolutions that are too tough to stick to or too much of a reach. I'm not going to make that mistake this year.

Instead of waiting until the New Year to start really getting into the workout mode again, I started a couple weeks ago and it's been going well. I know that it's difficult for me to get motivated to work out on my own, so I set up a bunch of personal training sessions with an affordable trainer who I've worked out with before. He's been busy making me sore and miserable (in a good way) for a few weeks now.

The best thing about him is that it's not all about pushing weights around. He's also talked to me a lot about nutrition and especially about protein. If you're going to work out in the morning, you need to eat protein before you go; and when you come home, a sensible lunch and a protein shake later in the day really make the difference between sticking with your workout plan and finding yourself elbow deep in a container of cheese balls.

Last week when I worked out with him, I had a bagel before I went to workout. Half way through our workout, I was dead tired. Today, I had a protein shake before going for my workout and the difference was unbelievable. It took longer for my muscles to fatigue and I felt stronger overall. And those kinds of feelings can become addicting, which is exactly what I'm hoping will happen.

Over the summer, I was one of the fortunate ones who got to spend some time with Jimmy Dean's "The Sun." He and a celebrity chef made me three different meals with different Jimmy Dean products, and I was a happy and full girl by the time the show was finished filming.


Recently, I was told about a new Jimmy Dean product called "D-Lights." This is the perfect way to get my protein each morning and I am looking forward to giving them a try this week.

For your chance to win a $100 Visa gift card, respond in the comments section below and tell me how you plan on making choices that are better for you in 2011. For the official round-up page, click here

The sweepstakes runs from December 28, 2010 to January 30, 2011 and is only open to individuals who, at the time of entry deadline, are legal residents of the United States and are 18 years or older.  Winners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries.  Click here for official rules.  Here are the basics:


No duplicate comments.  You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

d) Read the official rules for alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.  Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.  You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Good luck!

Soma Intimates Personality PJs

December 14, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Apparel and Shoes 

I am somewhat of a PJ conossieur. I live in them. Sometimes I never change out of them. I have to be honest though. My PJs aren't always that stylish. I'm perfectly happy in an oversized pair of flannel pants along with a fleece sweatshirt. The bedroom is one place in my life where I am simply not all that stylish.

Enter Soma Intimates Personality PJs.

When I saw there was a tour for pajamas, I was all over that. Soma Intimates offers a wide range of pajamas, but their personality pjs are brand new. You can find out what pair of personality pjs fits your personality best by taking this quiz.

Any guesses at to which one I am?

You might be surprised to know that my category was "chic" (followed closely by "wild"). Here is a picture of my pajamas, although that is not me and I tend to button mine up when I wear them.


I'll be honest. At first, I was like, "Oh man, I wanted the blue ones." Everything I own is practically blue. However, once I put these on, I was pleasantly surprised. The lacy pattern in soft browns and black is very flattering and the satin material is super comfortable and a big departure from my flannel and fleece obsession.

I was worried when I chose my size that I picked incorrectly. However, their sizing is very true to size. In fact, it might even be a bit oversized. Normally, when I choose PJs, I go up a size, but whatever pant and dress size you are, that's what you should order. I could have possibly even gone down a size. It took me a while to get this review up because no clothing review of any kind is complete without a wash test. I'm the girl who buys clothes and wears it before washing it because I am terrified it will shrink. I have very long arms and legs. However, I was quite happy when they came out of the washer and dryer the exact same size that they went in there.  

If you're looking for a unique gift for someone, figure out their personality and get a pair of these PJs. They are luxurious, fun and true to size. I can't think of anything better than that (unless they were all blue, of course).

BBM gives the Soma Intimates Personality PJs. . .

BBMReview Brown Belt Award 

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Soma Intimates and received a pair of Personality PJs to thank me for taking the time to participate.

The Total Transformation Program

November 29, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Kids 

The Total Transformation Program by James Lehman MSW is described as "a parent's program for managing challenging behaviors in children." I was asked to review it quite a while ago and when I got it, it was simply bad timing. We were busy and our family was going through a lot. Also, my kids are described as "angels" by anyone who knows them, pretty much, so it wasn't a huge priority for me.

However, with the 4th grade comes all kinds of new challenges and I recently decided it would be worth my while to review this program already and see if it's all it is supposed to be and more.

I'll be up front about this: my kids are really well behaved and we don't have a ton of problems. My daughter is a straight A student and her teachers pretty much want to adopt her. However, we do struggle with some new found independence and talking back issues lately. So I dug into the program and went through the first two sections. 

Like a reading program I did with my daughters years ago, the best part about this program is that it is as much a behavior management program for children as it is for parents. I learned a lot about the type of parent I am and the way I react to certain situations. It's not one of those programs that blames you for how you parent and tells you that you alone are responsible for when your child rolls her eyes at you. It simply lays it all out there and makes you go, "Hmm, yeah, that is me." 

In addition to telling you the type of parent you are, it also tells you how each individual parenting type can change for the better. It's not a magical program where results are seen overnight. However, it's food for thought and if you put the effort into changing your behavior and eliminating behaviors in your child that are not becoming, I have no doubt it will work quite well. 

The program also helps you figure out your own kid and how they react to certain situations. Of the many types, it was easy to peg my child and understand why she acts the way she does. These discoveries, by the way, happened with me spending about one hour with the program. 

I quickly realized that much of what my daughter does, when I'm discussing something with her, is try to distract me from the real issue and draw attention away from whatever she has done wrong. In less than an hour, I learned a technique to deal with it and was able to apply it instantly. The results were pretty fantastic. Instead of talking back like she usually does, she stopped talking and thought about her behavior. Then she apologized and the issue was over. 

Keep in mind that this was just with me doing the quick start-up portion of the program. There are techniques and weeks worth of material to review and learn from; and the program offers something for every parenting type of type of kid (serious diagnosed behavior problems or just your run of the mill childhood rebellion). 

Currently, The Total Transformation Program is offering some excellent specials where you can get the program for absolutely nothing. If you are struggling with behavior problems and want a more peaceful house, I strongly recommend you give this a try. The best part about the program is that no matter what the age of your child, there is help out there for you. 

With exactly one hour of time spent reading, learning and watching a video, my house has certainly become a little more peaceful. I bet yours would too. 

The Total Transformation Program comes with a workbook, a DVD and many audio Cd's to help you on your path to greater understanding with your child. Click over to their website and check it out for yourself. This is one review blogger who thinks it is totally worth it.

BBM gives The Total Transformation Program a…

BBMReview Brown Belt Award

In order to complete the review, The Total Transformation Program was provided to me free of charge from The Legacy Publishing Group. No additional compensation was provided. 

PJs for the Cure and Giveaway

November 24, 2010 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Apparel and Shoes, Charity, Freebies, Giveaways 

Did you know that November is National Diabetes Awareness month? Did you know that each year, over 15,000 children are diagnosed with Juveile Diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that hits very close to home for me. My Mom is a Type 1 Diabetic and has been insulin dependent for over 31 years. My Mom was diagnosed with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with my younger sister. She hoped and prayed that it would go away, but it didn't. Hers was a rare, adult onset of juvenile diabetes.


For many years, my Mom was tied to daily insulin shots (several times a day) and frequent finger sticks as she continually tested her blood. It sounds like more of an inconvenient disease, but there's much more to it than that. I remember coming home from school as a little girl to find my Mom unconscious and in insulin shock. She always took really good care of herself, but diabetes is an unpredictable disease and when you're a brittle diabetic, it makes it even worse. I can't even tell you how many times I saw my Mom disappear into an ambulance. It was terrifying.

Today, there have been many advances. My Mom uses a sensor that beeps and alerts her when her blood sugar is dropping. She also uses an insulin pump which eliminates the need for constant injections. However, the pump is a tethered reminder of her disease and she rarely gets an uninterrupted night of sleep without her sensor waking her up. It is a disease that robs you of many of your freedoms and it is life changing, not only for those who have it, but for the family members that face it as well.

I had just a brief taste of what it was like when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my second pregnancy. The frequent finger sticks and blood tests were an annoyance and low blood sugars, after I took my medications, were scary. I was elated when I delivered and was told I was in the clear. However, it is something that is always on my mind. Diabetes tends to run in families and we are careful to watch our sugar intake in our household. Sugar doesn't cause the disease, but it's certainly an enemy of every diabetic.

This year, the JDRF has found an amazing way to raise money and I hope you'll join me in supporting the cause. Spearheaded by Komar, the largest sleepwear manufacturer in the United States, PJs For The Cure was created to benefit JDRF. PJs For The Cure offers specially designed women's and children’s pajama sets and 100% of every sale from PJs For The Cure will be donated directly to the JDRF to fund further research to find a cure for juvenile diabetes. Their goal is to raise $1 million in support of JDRF. For more information and to support the cause, I encourage you to visit the PJs for The Cure Facebook page. Please "like it" and encourage your friends and followers to do the same.  You can buy your own set of PJs or just check them out here.


One lucky reader will receive a pair of the women's, girl's, or boy's pjs. Please leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to do in your pjs. Entries must be received no later than this Friday at midnight! Please check your email so you can shoot me back your name and mailing address if you're the winner! Good luck!

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Komar and PJs For The Cure and received a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Pillsbury’s Sweet Moments Giveaway

November 3, 2010 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Food and Drink 

Did you ever have one of those days like the one I'm having today? My daughter is home for the 3rd straight day from school with the same virus that I'm still trying to recover from. My little one woke up entirely too early and has made me pay for it all day thanks to her lack of sleep. I spent my entire day cleaning (including eight loads of laundry) and if someone was to walk into my house right now, they would wonder if I was telling the truth. Yes, it took me that long to clean five rooms upstairs. Finally, my husband arrived home late from work, after we had already eaten dinner AND he is currently on his way to the ER vet with my beloved 14.5 year old cat, Bear.

As I sit to write this review, I noticed a cool air on my stomach and looked down to find that my fleece zipper jacket has split from the bottom up.


It's days like these that call for some Pillsbury Sweet Moments. It's pretty much what they're made for and their entire reason for existence. One might not believe that something so amazing could come in such a wonderfully small package, but it delivers. Take my word for it.


Coming in several varieties, including the little brownie bite sized wonderfuls that I found, Pillsbury's Sweet Moments are meant to be small rewards with big chocolately flavor. The brownie bites reminded me very much of the moistness of a coca-cola fudge cake, with the crackly goodness on the outside of one of those delicious ice cream sundaes with that fudge that you squeeze on and then let it get hard and form a smooth chocolate surface.

If you can restrict yourself to just one (and hide them properly from the rest of the family), these little delights are the perfect way to reward yourself for those eight insane loads of laundry.

If you'd like to try them for yourself, simply leave a comment below telling me why you could use a "sweet retreat" and you could win a coupon to try Pillsbury's Sweet Moments, along with a bath spa prize pack that will have you eating, bathing in and smelling like chocolate!  Comments must be received by November 11th, 2010!

By the way, if you do go looking for these products, you can find them in the refrigerated foods section, near the cream cheese and refrigerated cookie dough, NOT in the freezer section (where I spent 20 minutes looking for them). 😉

Pillsbury provided me with free product, information and a prize pack through My BlogSpark. 


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