July 23, 2010

Eggo Real Fruit Pizza

In college, after a night out, there was nothing like cold pizza for breakfast.  Mind you, my college cuisine tastes consisted of cold Life cereal and hamburgers, but still I can remember how satisfying the day-after pizza tasted!  Nowadays, the thought of pizza for breakfast sickens me.  Cold pizza in general gags me a bit. Yet, here I am blogging about breakfast pizza…

Only, there's nothing "day after" about this pizza.  Eggo is introducing it's line of breakfast pizza.  When I received the package of two pizzas, Strawberry Granola and Mixed Berry Granola, my husband and I had a veritable "Leggo my eggo!" moment in the kitchen.  I made sure to get up early the next morning so I could pick which one I would try first (Mixed Berry).  In just a minute, the pizza was ready.  It was fragrant and warm, the crust was a tad crispy, just the way I like it.  It was a nice size serving, although probably more than I am  used to eating at breakfast, but it was warm and comforting and a great way to start the day. It was higher in calories than I normally consume at breakfast, but if you follow the "breakfast is the biggest meal of the day" theory, then you'll be able to have this and something else.

Overall, we loved these pizzas.  It'll be a great addition to our breakfast routine as I go back to work full-time and the hubby has to get the kiddo off to kindergarten.  Just be sure to hide it int he back of the freezer if you don't want to have your own "Leggo My eggo!!!" moment.

TKDDaughter gives the new Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas a:

BBMReview Brown Belt Award

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Centralon behalf of Eggo Real Fruit Pizza and received a sample of the product and a $20 Amazon gift certificate to facilitate my review.”

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