August 15, 2009

Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime Seasoning Blend

A little over seven months, my father suffered two massive strokes.  By the grace of God, he received medical help within the needed time frame, and we are blessed to have him with us today, with very little long-term damage.  DUring the recovery, diet became a huge concern.  Low-fat, low sugar, low cholesterol, low sodium-ugh!  If you do low-fat, the sodium is high.  If you do all of the above, there's not taste. I spent hours in the grocery store, reading labels, hoping I wasn't adding to my father's health issues. 

That's when I checked out Mrs. Dash.  We always had Mrs. Dash growing up, but what I didn't know was that many varieties of Mrs. Dash that were out there (over fifteen!!!).  Mrs. Dash is introducing two new seasoning blends, Fiesta Lime and Caribbean Citrus, and Mom Central asked me to play around with one of the seasonings and let you know what I thought.  They sent me the FIesta Lime blend and yum!  It popped with flavor and I wasn't dying of thirst afterward.

There are recipes at Mrs. Dash, but I decided to make something up.  My friend's garden is plentiful, so I steamed up some yellow zucchini and some fresh green beans, mixed it with a little olive oil, sprinkled on the Fiesta Lime seasoning blend and served over a bed of brown rice, black beans and a touch of salsa.  Fresh and yummy!  The husband even enjoyed it!

I can't wait to try the Caribbean Citrus blend soon.  Both new flavors would be great on fish or in a salsa…hmmmm, now I know what I'm having for dinner tonight! 

TKDDaughter gives the new Fiesta Lime seasoning blend by Mrs. Dash a

BBMReview Black Belt Award

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