April 20, 2009
Mojo Mom
Every new first-time mom quickly realizes that life all of a sudden isn't about her. She spends over nine months being coddled, pampered, questioned, showered with gifts and concern for her well-being. She is, after all, the vessel of life. But once the bouncing bundle of joy appears, it's "mommy who?" It is this realization, that for the next 18+ years of her life she is responsible for the well-being of another dependent being, that pushes new moms into a state of shock.
Amy Tiemann, in her new book, Mojo Mom, attempts to address this dramatic change in the life of a new mom. While we spend those nine months reading every possible pregnancy and parenting book, we rarely prepare for the changes in ourselves post-delivery. Tiemann, experiencing these changes herself, hopes to help other woman navigate these murky, lonely waters.
This is a handbook for new moms about new moms. In this book, you will find honesty and compassion, humor and moments of nostalgia. Tiemann discusses the fundamentals of "coming out of the cocoon" of those early months of motherhood, as well as securing your financial future as an independent person (so incredibly important for women and so often overlooked!). My particular favorite chapter was the one of letting go of the guilt. If you're a mom and you're reading this, I don't have to write another word!
If you know someone who is about to have a baby or who has a new baby already, this book would make a great gift. It reminds us that this whole motherhood is NOT easy and it is NOT natural. Having a little help from Tiemann's book will help make the transition a bit easier.
For it's mostly smooth writing style and honest approach to new motherhood, TKDDaughter gives Mojo Mom a :