October 20, 2008

The Perfect Turkey

It’s a right of passage as an adult with a home to "take over" a family holiday.  I still am trying to take over just one holiday from the older crowd in the family, but I have made it clear that it will NOT be Thanksgiving.  I can do the Easter or Christmas ham, but I cannot do the turkey.  No way.  No how. 

Until  maybe now. 

You’ve probably seen the recent commercials with Kelly Ripa for the Electrolux appliances.  I am a girl who loves her some good appliances (even if I can’t afford them…) and these appliances just look awesome.  Kelly Ripa, of course, makes it look fun to do daily housework, but let’s face it, the Thanksgiving Day turkey is intimidating.  Well, Electrolux is revolutionizing the turkey experience with their Perfect Turkey button.  Its special turkey probe and convection system gives you a yummy, juicy perfect turkey.

Now, I am sure you all have a turkey story from one  holiday or another…and Electrolux wants to hear it.  Head over to their website to enter their Turkey Tale contest.  From now until November 14th, you can submit your turkey day story (whether it be funny, pathetic, or momentous) and you could an Electrolux wall over or range, just in time for the holidays! 

And just think, if you win the contest, from that point forward, your turkey story will be a thing of the past.

BBMReview Black Belt Award

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