September 7, 2008

25th Anniversary Cabbage Patch Kids

Alyssa Aileen.

Ruby Anne.

Noah Carter.

What do these names have in common?  They are the names of my Cabbage Patch kids. The first one was the most difficult for my Mom to obtain. She knew it was going to be rough but she happened to walk into a store as the right time and was able to snag one for me and one for my sister, many years ago.

We adored those dolls. We took them everywhere with us. Then came Ruby and finally Noah, a preemie Kid. I played with them non-stop and now my kids do.

Big I got one the year Lil C was born. Then came one just for Lil C.


Meet Ollie.


Ollie is a 25th Anniversary Cabbage Patch doll and he is exactly as they were 25 years ago. These dolls will be available for a limited time only. They come complete with a silver spoon, a birth certificate and each doll is exactly the same as one made 25 years ago.  And they are fabulous.  For more information, go here.   

Because he is adorable and has the softest fuzziest head of hair I have ever seen, BBM gives the 25th Anniversary Cabbage Patch kids. . .

BBMReview Black Belt Award

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