August 26, 2008
Vusion Ointment
As moms, we’ve all been there. We change the baby, we keep on top of the diapers, and yet, still, we deal with diaper rash. Moms certainly don’t need any help with feeling the "mom guilt," but anytime diaper rash shows up on our babies’ butts, bam! There it is…more mom guilt. What worse is that sometimes this diaper rash can also have a yeast infection with it. No fun for baby, and no fun for mom.
The people at hooked me up with some information on a new diaper rash ointment that treats diaper rash with an associated yeast infection-it’s called Vusion. Vusion ointment is a prescription ointment to rid mom’s of that good old mom guilt. Well, actually it’s for your baby’s butt. No one likes to see their little one uncomfortable, and Vusion can help that.
You can get a coupon right now for some money off of the prescription fee…it’s a great deal and a great way to help your baby feel better! Check it out.
For the great information on their website, the coupon, and to rid mom’s of some extra mom guilt, Vusion gets a