June 30, 2008
Trip Flix
In just a few days, my family and I will depart for our seven hour drive to the beach. While I am very excited about our vacation, the trip to and from leaves a little to be desired. I’d like to say that it’s traveling with my four-year-old, but quite frankly, I get a little testy in the car myself.
I recently watched a new creation called TripFlix. This is an interactive DVD that helps buffer the "Are we there yet?" question. My son and I popped the DVD in at home and while he, at only four, was not very interested, I was fascinated.
You start by choosing what region you are coming from and what region you are traveling to. Then, a super cool teen pair, Alex and Emily, help you navigate your destination. What I loved about this DVD is how informational it is without feeling like a documentary. A lot of the information is not the typical travel book sort, either. I loved the part where they learned to build a boat (and finding out that I can, too, if I wanted to!).
I think that you’ll like this DVD to help in-car traveling boredom, but you’ll also enjoy using it on a rainy day with the kids to plan future excursions. You can check out more information at TripFlix. You can purchase the DVD for only $20 at either the TripFlix site or at Amazon.
For the older child and inquisitive parents, I give this a