April 12, 2008
Lice MD
Last summer, while playing outside with my three year old son, I heard some screaming and crying from the neighbor children. Kids are normally loud creatures, but this particular scream variety suggested something was amiss. Because their mother was with them, I continued to play with my son while watching the events next store. After the screaming, I noticed some ape-like behavior. The mother sat with her daughter between her legs, picking something out of her hair. An hour later, the girls were slathered in some gooey, stinky liquid that clearly could kill some animal breeds. You know where I am going with this, don’t ya?
Evidently, the girls next door had lice. And they kindly play with my son regularly. And they continued to play with my son that day. All I have to say is, "EW!" We have all been faced with a breakout of lice, but I had never faced this as a parent. I never had it as a child, although friends had. I spent the next few weeks searching my son’s head for unwanted inhabitants, reading every normal each as a bite from the little critters. Thankfully, no one set up shop on my son’s had.
I recently found out about a new product, Lice MD, that is used to treat lice and their lovely eggs. You bet I will be buying this in the event of a lice outbreak in our house. As parents, we are always terrified what we put in and on our kids…not to worry with Lice MD. Lice MD is pesticide free, non-toxic, and odorless. No dyes or perfumes! Pediatricians have tested this and it has been proven effective. It boasts a one-step application for even long and thick hair. Sounds great to me!
So, if you find yourself ravaged by those unfriendly little head vermins, head over to www.LiceMD.com. They have put together a great website with a ton of useful information to ease the freaked out moms faced with lice. And bonus, there’s a coupon!! Then had to your pharmacy for your own package and stop your outbreak quickly, effetively and without worry. I have a feeling with the school years coming upon us quickly, Lice MD just might be a staple in our house!