December 26, 2007

Ultimate Sauna Suit

I’m not a sweater.  Of course, by that I mean I don’t sweat easily (also, I’m not a warm, woolen garment).  But recently I tried out the Ultimate Sauna Suit (by Realsauna at Karate Depot) and it put me through my paces. 

The Sauna Suit is an interesting development in workout technology.  You’ve probably heard of this sort of training aid before, but what you usually see is a shiny spaceman outfit –

The point of this getup is to capture all of the bodies evaporating water and enhance the dehydration process; the result being a quick loss in water weight.  Furthermore, the suit locks in body heat, helping keep muscles warm for extended workouts or flexibility training. 

I was skeptical of the Ultimate Sauna Suit at first because, like I said, it takes a real harsh workout to get me gushing.  I doubted that an article of clothing could make it happen without doing a ton of exercise.  Also, the suit looked like casual Adidas warmups, nothing particularly space-age –

What I didn’t notice (until I put it on) was the strange inner lining.  It’s like a soft plastic that reminded me of the material used for rain slicks, but less stiff. 

The lining took some getting used to at first because it felt unusual against my skin, and crinkled a little when I walked.  But after about 5-10 minutes, I was completely adjusted. 

I decided to begin my test workout with a little walk.  I didn’t expect much, but figured it would help me warm up for more serious exercise afterward.  To my surprise, by then end of about a mile, my legs and arms were quite slick.

After the walk I trained on the Johhny Sockitomee bag.  I even put my hood up for awhile because a lot of heat escapes through the head.  In minutes, maybe 10-15, I was a sweat machine.  I won’t go into detailed elaboration, but believe me when I say I hadn’t sweat that much since my last karate test.  My original intention was to do some weight lifting after training on the bag, but I decided to call it quits.  I realized a little discretion and responsibility is needed when losing that much hydration that quickly.

The brass tax of the Sauna Suit is this – you wouldn’t wear it all the time for comfort, but it has a very nice design and delivers in functionality.  Therefore –

Ikigai108 gives the Ultimate Sauna Suit…


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