June 3, 2008
Fraud Alert
We got a call from our credit card company’s fraud department tonight. When I heard the message on my voice mail, my first thought was, "I am so busted." I went on a little shopping excursion with the girls this afternoon and bought them new sandals and a couple items of clothing for vacation that turned into more than I thought I was going to buy.
Because the store is right beside Ann Taylor Loft, I took a stroll in there too, and that visit also ended up with a visit to the cash register (because when does a visit to Ann Taylor Loft not end up with a visit to the cash register for me? Hint-never). I needed a white summer sweater. If you don’t believe me, I’ve been wearing a maternity one while I searched for a new one. I haven’t been pregnant in three years. I needed a new white sweater.
The items weren’t all that expensive so I was starting to wonder if Mr. BBM put some kind of special wife-checker feature on my card or something. But that wasn’t the case.
A couple days ago, someone made a 96 cent charge to our card that went undetected. I rarely have cash in my wallet, but I don’t ever charge 96 cents But today, someone tried to charge $2700.00 to our card, which is just what you need when you’re in the process of buying a house, some insane amount of debt on your credit card.
The charge was denied due to the sizeable number and the location (It sounded like some online sports betting place). Our cards have been canceled and new ones will arrive in the mail. Unfortunately, they won’t make it here by the time we leave for vacation, so go ahead and place another check in the sucktastic column for BBM and her family.
As a warning to anyone who might be a potential victim of stolen credit, beware of small charges on your card that can signify larger problems to follow. And if you’d like to buy me something else from Ann Taylor Loft to make me and my leper arms feel better and forget about fraudulent poop-heads who try to wreck people’s lives, then please, by all means, do. I’ll take one of everything (I already have the white sweater).
Glad to hear that your credit card company caught it, though.
Hey, did you see my brand new leather jacket? Set me back almost $3000.
Hi BBM! Just a thought. We have also been the victims of credit fraud (in our case, someone at the bank stole our information and sold it to someone who resells that kind of info. Not fun to think about. The person in the bank was eventually caught but the ramifications will follow us all our lives). My husband had to register with the agency so someone calls a specific number if credit is applied for in his name and he has to say “nope that wasn’t me.” It has saved us more than once. Anyway one precaution we take is that we don’t carry all the same cards. This is really more a precaution against one of us losing our wallet but here’s what we do. We both carry the same discover. In addition, I carry a Visa and he carries a Master Card. That way if one of us has our wallet stolen and the other one doesn’t, we will still have access to one credit card while we sort out the mess. Just a thought. Good luck
Love, Sandy
Ack! Why have your feeds not been getting to my reader? I thought it was odd you hadn’t posted in a while. But no! It’s something wrong on MY end.
Damn – it seems to be a problem that is getting worse and worse – someone hit our bank account the other week – but nothing too big but it still amounted to £400. Hopefully they’ll be able to track back as this muppet bought £170 of flowers and paid some parking tickets. These folk really are scum.
If you have time head over to http://karlastories.blogspot.com/ and start with the May 25 entry. (If you’re already a reader there, my apologies.)
My card company has called me twice recently — and it seems like I’ve recently said this somewhere, I don’t think was here though … but, my apologies if it was — once about $40 in bike parts and another about a $12 McDonald’s charge (I eat there almost every day). They didn’t question the Christmas shopping that preceded the bike-part purchase — or — the new bike purchase that preceded the McDonald’s charge.
I’m not complaining — I’m glad they’re on the job … it’s just curiouis.
I’m glad your problem was nipped in the bud before it got out of hand.
We had that happen a while back, and fortunately the credit card company called us on the first charge, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how they knew it was not us, because it was to Blockbuster…I mean we use Blockbuster at least once a month, so I still don’t know how they caught it! With all this bad karma…I’m thinking that Publisher’s Clearing House might be stopping by your place while you’re out on vacation…want me to house sit, just in case????
I’m a believer in having active and “reserve” credit cards so i can lose my wallet and just take the other cards. But, this has created some other problems that I don’t want to go into.
Wow, you’re having a tough summer. The silver lining is that it’s great material and your writing is better than ever. Not sure that suffering is worth having material but ….it’s something.
There’s no such thing as a wife-checker. Right???
Mmmm… Ann Taylor Loft.
Yes, you must watch your credit card statements like a HAWK. Question anything you don’t recall — sometimes you forget what something was for, but better to check and look stupid than to have someone max out your cards on Internet porn.
And shred those receipts, people!
Avitable: I’m not biting. You live in alligator country.
Sandy: Good idea. Thanks.
Karl: I’m just glad there’s nothing wrong on my end-for a change.
Deryck: Scum, indeed.
Delmer: Yeah, a $2700 stands out but others might not. Maybe they can tell the location and know you can’t be charging McDonanld’s in two locations at once.
Topsy: That’s what my email says. My prize is on its way. I’m a bit cynical though.
BB@50: I like them all in the same spot. I can’t keep track of anything otherwise.
johne: I prefer to think of it as finishing out a rough spring. I’m hoping the 22nd brings a better season and less problems.
Miss Britt: Man, I hope not.
Finn: I did that once. Didn’t recognize a charge and was going nuts until I realized, “oh yeah, I did charge that!”
OUCH! I’m glad they were able to catch it, but that sucks having someone try to rip you off like that! I would hope that whomever it is gets run through the wringer and is caught and impounded.
Marguerite: I hope so too!
Boy does THAT suck! I’m so glad that they caught it, though, before you had to go back and fight over it.
Oh yea, spring is almost over! Maybe this can be the ‘winter and spring’ of our discontent, and the summer of love! Please?