January 12, 2009

Of Crashed Computers and Rainbows

I have yet to get my computer back and I am starting to freak out. I start back up with teaching again next week and I don't have my syllabus finished yet. I'm teaching the same course as last semester, and only one this time, so technically, I have a completed syllabus. But I have things I need to change and stuff that needs to get done and copied before next Tuesday. I am about to have a major freak-out.

Mr. Computer Doctor Man had to wipe my computer completely clean and install an entirely new hard drive. While Mr. BBM was able to get most of my teaching documents off while in safe mode before taking it to him, I have no way of using those documents because my daughter's laptop doesn't have any of the programs I need to get it done.

I spent this morning revising my syllabus with a pen and hoping I get my computer back today. He's been saying, "I'll be finished with it today" for a good week now. More actually.

I could just type the sucker up but it's six pages and my daughter's computer doesn't even have a word processing document, so I guess I couldn't actually just type it up.

In addition to the teaching related freaking out, my leg is turning lovely shades of yellow, purple, red, blue and green. It's like a rainbow, but not quite so pretty. I peeled up the edges of the steri-strips the other day because they were driving me insane. This morning, I woke up to find that the one strip is peeled up clear to the incision and it's sort of goopy, oozy and thick bloody under there. It is totally grossing me out. Dried blood I can deal with; live blood, I can't.


Once I get my computer back and my stitches out I am popping open a bottle of champagne to restart the New Year. 2009 can not continue at this pace. It must get better; my sanity is at stake.

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