Rockstar Recap: Week 7

August 15, 2006 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Rockstar 

After watching the stripped down performances this week and then hearing the comments from Supernova, I have a theory.

Supernova did not think it was fun to party with Storm. 

There is absolutely no other explanation for how hard they dissed her performance.  She changed up "I’ll Survive" and made it her own.  It was at least interesting, compared to some of the other performances tonight: Patrice who did no justice to "Message in a Bottle" and Toby who took a Peter Gabriel song and made it into mush as far as I’m concerned. 

Supernova raved about Toby and Dave told him he had the performance of the night, until Ryan sang of course.  So, to test my theory, I went online and watched part of a reality episode on the Rockstar Supernova website.  My theory, from the brief footage I saw, appears to be dead on. 

The highlights:  Toby and Ryan did plenty of shots and had plenty of gal pals hanging around.  Dilana bowled and Supernova was 100% smitten with her bowling ability.  She was in the clear and they began calling her "Strike."  Where was Storm during all of this? 

She was staring into the camera all googly-eyed, going on and on about how she just loves the hot tub because it has such a great view.  She was standing in the hot tub, appearing to stroll around in the waters wearing what appeared to be leather underwear and a bustier to match.  Did I mention the pigtails?  Yeah, she had pigtails.  Did I mention she appeared to be completely by herself admiring the view? 

It’s sort of like the post I wrote a little while ago about blind dates.  You think you’re in love with a voice, an email, an instant message and then you meet the person and you get an entirely different idea about who they are and what your future holds.  Supernova has seen the contestants on stage, but partying with them. . . well, that was revealing.  And what it revealed is that Storm’s party style doesn’t mesh. 

Enough theories. . . onto the recap:

Zayra started the night with an original performance.  She toned down her SuperHero-esque look this week and traded it in for a flowing red skirt and black bikini top.  Her song was beautiful.  It was certainly not Supernova material, but it was beautiful none-the-less.  It reminded me of a ballad that Shakira would sing.  It won’t get her the job, but it might keep her in yet another week. 

Magni showed up looking like he was auditioning for Miami Vice II, but his performance was very good.  He performed "Starman". The guys are definitely digging his performances and he is fast becoming a worthy option.  (I did not however, get to see his party style and once again question whether a family man with a young child can really do this job.)

Patrice performed a lackluster Sting song and well. . . lacked luster.  She started off o.k., but her performance fell flat.  It’s very likely she’ll be the next to go.

Lukas sat down to perform this week which bothered Supernova.  What bothered me was that despite being grounded literally, he still had enough jerky movements to make you think he just might be seizing.  But what bothered me even more tonight was how in a 30 second window, his face went through about 400 expressions.  It was very unsettling in a does-he-have-schizophrenia type of way?  His version of "Hero" wasn’t enough to impress me this week, and Jason Newsted pointed out that once again, he’s closing his throat or what I like to call "screeching."

Storm got Gloria Gaynor and made the best of it.  I’ll say it again-party styles don’t mesh, which means she will not win.

Toby performed "Solsbury Hill" and I thought it was completely dull.  He had a redeeming moment at the end where he started drumming like a mad man on some bongo’s (I think.  I’m no drumming expert.)  I’m waiting for him to wow me the way he did in the early weeks, and I’m just not seeing it. 

Ryan performed Phil Collin’s "In the Air Tonight" and did it justice.  He made it much harder than the original, and he looked awesome tonight.  I much prefer his more natural spiked look to the hoodie mohawk thing he had going on last week.  He is a front-runner for sure, especially after all the attention he garnered from the ladies in Vegas.  He looked like a typical rockstar, complete with Carmen Electra look-alikes hanging all over him. If only their brains could be as big as their hair. . .

Dilana performed "Cat’s in the Cradle" and was consistently good again.  I imagine a Supernova with Dilana up front as one where there will be lots of bowling and more of keeping the boys in line.  That’s probably a good thing.

And now for the predictions (that are just about never right):

The encore goes to Ryan.
Bottom three are: Patrice, Zayra, and Toby. 

We’ll see. . .

If you watched the show, what do YOU think?

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Oh NO they DIDN’T!

August 10, 2006 by · Comments Off on Oh NO they DIDN’T!
Filed under: Rockstar 

I was right about the encore, at least half of it.  Magni AND Lukas were both awarded encores this week.  The bottom three though, absolutely blows my mind!  Ryan?  Josh?  What the heck is going on out there voters?  JOSH?  The same Josh I practically proclaimed my love for last night on this very blog? 

I am thrilled that I won’t be subjected to anymore of Jill’s performances, but I am going to miss that bluesy, head-bopping Josh.  I can’t believe they let two go.  I mean if the two had been Jill and Zayra. . . great.  But Josh???  In all reality, he wasn’t going to be the winner, but they could have at least kept him around for another week or so.  Supernova. . . you CRUSHED me tonight boys, and not in a good way Mr. Jason Newsted. 

So can anyone tell me how this is possible?  Is there a website out there similar to the "vote for the worst" of American Idol?  Are all the Star Trek and Star Wars fans coming out in droves, waving their light sabres and supporting their fellow space cadet?  I doubt I’ll ever know.  It will certainly be interesting to see what she wears next week though.  A "Cat in the Hat" get-up perhaps?

The standings according to Black Belt Mama are as follows:

Top Three:

Dilana– She’s the clear front runner right now.  She exudes confidence and showed that she can front that band. I look for her to only get better (even though I’m not a huge fan of her voice.)

Magni– His performance this week proved that he has what it takes to front Supernova.  Plus, he’s from Iceland.  That’s intriging all on its own.  He is, however, obviously a family man and how a rockstar life with Supernova will mesh with his family remains to be seen.

Storm- In a comment meant to provide a proverbial bitch slap to Jill, Storm proclaimed that she wouldn’t "hump" Gilby, but would instead "break his back."  I’m not exactly able to visualize what the heck she’s talking about, but even though it didn’t make sense it was enough to send Jill to the hatchet man.  Putting that hip-grinding performance of Jill’s from weeks gone by into the front and center made her an easy target; and Storm proved that she is not to be messed with. 

Middle of the Roaders, or if you watch Project Runway. . . the contestants whose scores qualify them for the next round.  They’re "in" (for now):

Toby– He peaked too early I’m thinking.  He got the encore in the beginning of the season and showed everyone what he can do.  Now, we’re all waiting for him to do that again.   Bring it Toby and maybe lay off the booze.  Seriously dude.  20 shots is a bit much, doncha think?

Lukas- He got one of the encores tonight, but I just can’t see him fronting Supernova.  He’s freaky and not in the Tommy Lee kind of way.  Not even in the Gilby-Clark-running-my-hands-through-my -hair-constantly kind of way (Seriously, is Gilby trying to get a Pantene commercial or what?).  He’s freaky in a Robert Smith, The Cure kind of way, not a Supernova kind of way.  I just don’t see this as a fit.

Most Likely to Go Home Next:

Patrice-  I don’t see it anymore.  I really liked her in the beginning.  But lately, it’s just the same old same old and it’s. . . well, old.

Ryan- I think Supernova has it right with him.  He is changing it up a bit too much.  If you’re interviewing for an office job, you don’t show up wearing a black suit for the first interview and red hot pants for the second.  He needs to figure out who he is and show it.  I’d suggest leaving the batman eyes alone.

Zayra- Oh Zayra, how your choice in fashion offends the common sensibilities.  I’d like to see the Project Runway contestants design something for her.  That would probably never work though, because they all despise sewing fabrics like spandex.  If she wasn’t so entertaining in a very bad sort of way, she would be gone.  People always like to see the train wrecks. 

It’s now 1a.m.  My arms are KILLING me from karate tonight, but that story will have to wait until tomorrow. . .

Don’t wait until tomorrow to go visit my renter, because it will be too late.  She’ll be gone.  Go and leave her a nice comment before we bid her adieu.  She’s a lonely mama with her son at camp and could use some virtual hugs. . . and I could use some ice for my sore sore arms. . .

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Rockstar Recap: Week 6

August 9, 2006 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Rockstar 

Last year it was painfully obvious that INXS was never going to choose a woman to front their band.  Sure, Susie was a nice option, but she fell behind JT and Marty in the eyes of INXS.  When I started watching this season of Rockstar, I was pretty convinced that Supernova would follow suit and choose a guy to front their band.  Now, I’m not so sure. 

As Jason Newsted would say. . .

Dilana "crushed it".  She is obviously older than the other contestants.  She seems to almost take on a mothering type role around the younger rockers.  She did with Dana.  In the entertainment industry, where youth reigns supreme, she is certainly kicking that notion to the curb.  She performed with Gilby tonight and was amazing. "I have no doubt that a woman can front our band now," is what Gilby said to her post-performance.  She is proving herself worthy of the top three if not the top contestant.


Jill sings like a rocker, but her dance moves make me think more of Britney Spears.  She performed "Mother, Mother" and during the hard parts she skipped and bopped her way around the stage like a Black Eyed Pea.  I am sensing she and her suitcases will be on the move soon.

Ryan sang "Paint it Black" and showed up, well, painted black.  Apparently he and Zayra have been hanging out a bit; because the super hero vibe got to him.  He looked more like an evil Batman tonight than the usual Ryan (although his hair stayed perfectly in tact despite the transformation).  Fortunately, he’s not taking his singing cues from Zayra as well.


Storm attempted Queen’s "We are the Champions" and did it well.  She ended her performance by telling Tommy Lee "I’ll spank the crap out of you," and promised to return to her theatrical performances and stage thrashing.  Should be interesting. . . she always is.

Zayra is apparently getting her wardrobe from deranged circus ring leaders.   


She looked as if she’d  been dipped in gold.  Add a top hat and some platform shoes that Kiss and Prince must have collaborated on and you’ve got an outfit just interesting enough to almost distract from the horrific singing.

Josh. . .


. . . is seriously growing on me.  As OutKast says, "I like the way you move," and I do.  I’ve always had it bad for any guy who can bust a groove (including the acne covered, rather large-featured guy who I wanted to go to prom with my senior year), and just the way he moves his head when he strums and sings sort of has me swooning a bit.  O.k. maybe more than a bit.  The thing I really like about him is that he doesn’t just belt his lyrics.  He has soul and he infuses it into every song he sings and that makes it sexy. I also like the fact that he didn’t get all freaked out when Tommy Lee surprised him by coming up to play drums with him only seconds before the song started.  He’s proven he can hang with the best of them.  Me likey Josh.

Magni will get the encore.  They’re always suckers for acoustic performances.  Tonight, Magni stopped being forgettable and became completely unforgettable.  His performance of Live’s "When the Dolphin’s Cry" was beautiful and amazing.  Encore for sure.

Patrice is consistently good.  But when all the other rockers are becoming great, consistently good isn’t good enough.  I’ve commented about her hair before, and I have to say that she is looking more and more like a 12-year old with her hair choices.  It doesn’t fit and distracts from her voice, which is probably a good thing considering her performances are getting kind of boring.  The martial artist in me wants to like her; I really do, but others are clearly outshining her.


Lukas had his best performance of the series tonight.  He sang "Creep" and when I say "sang" I mean he actually sang.  He didn’t screech for a change and that was refreshing and impressive.  The only issue I have with Lukas is that his dance moves look like he’s had an encounter with a blow dryer while bathing.  Can you imagine a collaboration between him and Jill?

Toby sang "Burning down the House" and brought down the house. . . right up until he grabbed a megaphone and tried that tired old trick.  I’m with Dave Navarro on this one.  He was plugging along just fine and then he had to pull that out.  He doesn’t need it and it made his performance a little tacky. 

He won’t have to worry though because the bottom three are going to be: Jill, Zayra, and Patrice.  Jill is going home.  Zayra is just too damn entertaining to see her leave now.  I mean seriously, you want to tune in just to watch the fashion disaster that she has become.

Encore goes to Magni.

And speaking of music and songs, the girls and I were having some fun dancing to some tunes today when Nelly’s song "Grillz" came on.  Big I refused to dance to it despite the fact that Lil C and I were jamming.  When I asked her why she wasn’t dancing she said, "That’s a STUPID song Mommy!" 

Tonight she saw Dilana perform and she said, "I don’t like when she sings that slow stuff like last time" (referring to when she sang Cyndi Lauper’s "Time after Time").  "I want to see them ROCK!" she said as she slammed her hand on the floor.  I have a feeling she’ll be listening to classic rock when she’s older (and I’ll be getting my rap fill during solitary drives in the car.)

For something else that rocks, go visit my renter.  She truly rocks.  There’s a new birth story up too! 

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Rockstar Elmination Week 5

August 2, 2006 by · Comments Off on Rockstar Elmination Week 5
Filed under: Rockstar 

So, I got it right on the encore.  I mean, really, who wouldn’t have guessed Ryan would get the encore?  But the bottom three. . . I was way off.  How could Super-hero-wanna-be-Zayra and Cure-look-alike-Lukas NOT be in the bottom three?  I’ll never know. When I got home from karate my husband was just bursting to tell me who the bottom three were.  I was 1/3.  Apparently, people like superhero’s and are longing for the days of The Cure. 


I never would have guessed that little plastic Jill would come out singing the way she did.  Why is it that she can always sing to keep herself in, but her Tuesday night performances stink?  I think the band should seriously consider this phenomenon.  She sings well when she feels the pressure, but not when she doesn’t.  So, what does that say about how she would be if she gets the gig?  She saved herself once again this week, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to make it anywhere near the top.  And, it was completely transparent choosing a song by Heart.  She’s trying to heal the wounds she inflicted on Gilby with that nasty bump and grind from last week, but I don’t see it happening.  Once you lose your credibility and their respect. . . you’re done.  It’s only a matter of time before she’s sent packing.

I wasn’t all that surprised to see Patrice in the bottom three.  Of course, I truly believe that Zayra and Lukas should have been there before her, but it must be the year of the freaky people.  People want to keep those two around because at the very least, they’re water-cooler fodder.  I think that Patrice ended up in the bottom three because the whole spiked hair thing she had going on just wasn’t her. She also performed first.  When there are a lot of contestants, the one who performs first rarely does well.  (One only needs to look at American Idol results to know that’s true.  It was the kiss of death this year.)  I think Patrice needs to be herself and change up her music selections instead of her hair.

Dana going home is not a surprise to me.  I think the band thought she was a joke.  These are some old guys!  How are they going to deal with having a 22 year old goody-goody fronting them?  It would be a joke.  It she hadn’t shown up with such a fresh face, with the opinion that she was there to learn from everyone else.  If she had shown up with some attitude and more confidence, she would have done a lot better.  I am glad to see her go. . . and one last thought.  I really hope she doesn’t plan on having children, because that tattoo she got is going to get all stretched to hell and look ridiculous if she does.  Don’t any women think about that when they get tattoo’s? 

It makes me think about college and how all my sorority sisters were coming home with these Grateful Dead bears tattooed an inch or two in from their hip bone.  When one particularly dense sister showed off her tattoo, I asked her if she planned on having any kids.  "Yeah, a couple," she said.  "Think about it," I said while holding my arms out in front of a mock pregnant belly.  "Oh," she said.  Yeah, "OH".  To all the young gals out there planning on getting tattoo’s, try to remember to get them on a non-stretchy, unaffected by pregnancy body part, like maybe the back of your ear for example. 

And that’s a wrap.  Until next week. . .

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Rockstar Recap: Week 5

August 1, 2006 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Rockstar 

No, I didn’t forget Week 4.  It’s week 5 and last week I was apparently forgetting the first week, so I named my recap Week 3.  Week 3 is Week 4 and now we’re Week 5.  Got it?  Good.

Patrice kicked off the night.  You know it’s not good when the only thing you remember about her after the show is her hair.  What was up with that hair?  While I liked the fact that she changed it up, Dave is right.  In front of Tommy Lee, she sort of disappeared.  What did she sing anyway?


Josh was next and showed that this was the week for the vanilla boys.  He was totally awesome.  He came out with a bluesy-reggae Santeria by Sublime and he "crushed it" good.  I still don’t see him fronting Supernova; but I at least like his music and think he’ll do something after this is all over.  To be honest, I’m more likely to buy his album doing that kind of music than what I think Supernova is going to do.

Dilana is obviously a favorite of the boys’.  You can tell just by looking at their faces when she sings.  She did rock it with "I can’t get enough of your love," but I prefer her softer side.  Although her performance was good tonight, all I could think about is that she really needs to stop smoking or at least sounding like she does.


Toby has gone down a notch in my book.  Sure, he’s still easy on the eyes and all; but this week I checked out his "space" on the website and found this.  He has a typical rockstar mentality and the drinking habits to prove it apparently.  Although I like his voice a lot, I think he’ll end up in rehab if he gets picked for the gig.

Zayra showed up in true Super Hero style once again. This week she was more Wonder Woman meets Victoria’s Secret.  Tommy even invited her to wrestle in his room, which was just wrong.  She is proving that being off key and dressing like a deranged super hero is her thing, and it really doesn’t work.  Sure, she’s good comic relief for everyone.  There’s no denying she’s entertaining in a "need to look away" sort of way, but she really does need to go.


Magni did Cold Play tonight, and while the guys were thrilled with the performance, they must have heard something I didn’t. I like Magni as a person.  He seems like a real sweetheart, but I’m not loving his performances that much.  Maybe it’s just that I can’t imagine him fronting Supernova.  He’s too clean cut.  But tonight, he did Cold Play’s song exactly as they do it and didn’t change it up at all.  Without changing it up, I thought it was pretty dull and not nearly as good as the original. 

Ryan is who I’m calling to get the encore this week.  He tore it up on a baby grand while singing the hell out of REM’s "Losing My Religion."  He was incredible and if he doesn’t get the encore I will be shocked.  He showed himself as a real contender this week, and I look for him to go far if he keeps it up.  After he performed, Tommy told him that singing that song will "definitely get him laid," proving once again that Rockstar is not a family show and why I’ll never be able to live blog it as long as my daughter is a night owl.  I so do NOT want to be explaining that terminology to a 5-year old.


Lukas is just scary.  He’s got a screechy voice, scary red eye shadow, and despite the horror of it all. . . he’s getting predictable and boring.  After Ryan’s beautiful piano performance, he looked cheap and amateur.  I predict he’ll be in the bottom three this week.

Storm showed once again why she’s a front-runner tonight.  She lost the drama, and did a classy performance of "Changes."  There were no frills, but she put her voice on display and it worked.  If the encore doesn’t go to Ryan, it will go to her.

Dana has been doing some great singing, but I can’t help feeling like she’s a pretender.  She’s trying to be "bad." She’s trying to play the part of the rockstar when she really doesn’t have it.  There’s no way she will get this gig.  She’ll go home within the next few weeks for sure, once the really bad ones have been weeded. 

Jill. . . I almost forgot her.  Horrendous.  Dave Navarro described her performance as the one when everyone will get up to go to the bathroom and get a drink.  Yep, that pretty much sums it up.  From the kitchen I could tell she was oversinging her song and making a complete mess of it.  She lost Gilby’s respect last week and everyone else’s as well.

Bottom three predictions:  Jill, Zayra and Lukas. . . Jill goes home.  Why not keep the super hero around for another week?  At least she’s more entertaining than watching Jill flip her hair around!

Encore goes to Ryan.

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