August 28, 2010

Conversations with the Husband

Yesterday, I came home from swimming lessons and told Mr. BBM, "Oh, by the way, my friend is coming tonight to do body work on me and a neighbor at around 7:30."

Mr. BBM: He's coming here?

Me: Yeah. Isn't that cool?

Mr. BBM: Wait, so let me get this straight. . . you're going to be naked and getting a rub-down from your friend, in our house, while I'm here with the girls.

Me: Yeah, it's not like I'm going to set up in the family room or something! And it's not like I'm totally naked! Geez!

Mr. BBM: All you wear is underwear, right?

Me: Well yeah, but I'm under a sheet the whole time.

Mr. BBM: Ok, so where are you going to have him set up?

Me: Well, I was thinking up in our bedroom. There's a lot of room up there and then I can let him use the stereo I have in the bathroom for the music.

Mr. BBM: Ok, so wait, naked, getting a rub down, in our house, with a single guy, in our BEDROOM?

Me: Fine, I'll set it up in the playroom where there are no blinds.

And that's just what I did. So to anyone who might have been walking behind my house last night, while my neighbor and I were getting naked rub downs/legitimate body work, "you're welcome" or "our apologies" depending on what part/s you might have seen or not seen. 

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