June 3, 2009

Sheer Exhaustion

Lately I've been training a lot, like about five days a week. It's been exhausting. I'm getting home late from the dojo and then I need time to shower, wind down, and rehydrate. I'm getting to bed too late and having to wake up too early. The only way I've been able to get through my day lately is with coffee in the morning and some cranergy in the afternoon. And I'm still tired.

Allergies aren't helping things. Whatever is out there right now is horrible and I'm completely congested and miserable. If I take my medication for it, I get really cranky and unhappy. If I don't, I'm cranky and unhappy because I can't breathe. Something has to give.

Last night, I thought I had a good option for about a minute.

Another 1st kyu was telling me about these "energy shots" you can buy at the convenience store places. I asked him if they were mega doses of caffeine and he said it wasn't. He told me they had B vitamins and a bunch of other healthy stuff and that when he's used them, he's had a good five hours of straight, non-jittery energy.

I made a mental note to pick a couple of those up for the coming weeks and then he said,

"They also make you poop."

Apparently they speed everything up and that's one of the things. I think it would probably be a bad idea to take one and have to leave the training floor non-stop to go empty the system, or God forbid, not make it in time! 

I guess I'm just going to have to find a way to get some more rest. The beach vacation coming up in less than two weeks, can't come soon enough. It really can't.

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Also, my email is officially fixed. If things have been getting kicked back to you or ignored, the problem should be solved now. Email me at bbm at blackbeltmama dot com or blackbeltmama1 at gmail dot com.

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