May 15, 2009

How To Tell If You’ve Overdone It At The Gym

1. You lift your hand to brush your teeth and decide it would really just be easier to bring your mouth down to your hand level instead of the other way around. Who cares if your head is in the sink?

2. You see that your hair needs to be brushed, but figure that if Meg Ryan can still pull off the messy look, you can too.

3. Simply wiping off the counter is painful enough that it makes you whimper.

4. Turning the steering wheel in the car hurts, so you decide to drive home a different way so you can eliminate as many turns as possible.

5. Your first thought in the morning is that you can't wait to go to bed at night.

6. When you go to put your pajamas on at night, you decide it might just be easier to sleep in your clothes since raising your arms above shoulder height feels like people are ripping the insides of your arms apart.

7. You've decided that swinging your arms when walking is optional.

8. Little elbows pushing off of your chest reminds you of the time you got the massage from the crazy Russian lady who you thought would kill you before she solved any of your back problems.

9. You decide to make for dinner only meals that don't require you to retrieve anything from the upper cabinets.

10. You have ibuprofen as your breakfast.

How do you know you've overdone it?

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