Last Day
Today was my last class of the semester. It took two trips to my car to load all of the papers and portfolios I have to grade, but I didn't even mind.
When I taught high school, I was so happy when the end of the year came. Knowing I had an entire summer to be free of certain students was a wonderful feeling. Today I felt kind of sad. I'm going to miss these kids.
Teaching at a University where you are given complete academic freedom is entirely different than teaching high school. The classroom management issues are minimal. The kids are more grown up and they take better responsibility for completing their work. I was given the freedom to teach the way I wanted to and I ran with it.
Today I took pictures of my classes so that I can pull them out and point to them when they're all famous (and also in case I feel like photo-shopping them onto monkey bodies or something, or so I told them). I also let my speech class choose three questions that I would have to create an impromptu speech about. Although some of their topics were inappropriate and therefore ignored (Take "Which one of your students would you go out on a date with and why?" as an example), they came up with ones that made me discuss what my chosen super power would be and a life changing experience. The last topic they asked me was to discuss the best and worst moments in speech class.
I told them that the best far outnumbered the worst and then went around the room and told each one of my students something special about what they did in class. It was truly a special semester and a great group of kids. I hope I'm half as lucky next semester.
A Blow to the Action Plans
If you've been a reader here for a while, you know I suffer from delusions action plans. Many of my action plans involve running quite rapidly, out of burning buildings, away from bad guys, in order to rescue my children, etc. Here's the problem.
I still can't run.
I read all these blogs of people who've had ACL surgery and they're out there running miles. I don't get this at all. I simply can't run. My knee feels funny when I try and to be perfectly honest, I think I forget how.
Yesterday at the gym, I turned up the speed on the treadmill and tried to run. I probably looked like a complete idiot. At this point, almost a year out from surgery, one would think I'd be able to run. I'm not sure if it's mental or physical at this point, but I do know that it doesn't feel right at all. I truly don't know how to do it anymore.
One thing I do know, almost a year out from surgery, I'm still having way too much pain, discomfort and annoyances. When will this go away?
Frustrations Abound
I arrived at the gym this morning with an extra kid for KidZone. The cost is $3/day or you can pay by the month. I pay $7/month for Lil C and it's worth it. I put her in KidZone two-three times per week. With Christmas vacation coming up, I know I'll be needing Big I to go in there too. So I asked if I could just pay for one month (December) due to her Christmas vacation. I told them I'd also like to sign her up over the summer.
They told me that I have to pay first and last months and that the rate is now $10/month. That's just not fair. If I'm paying $7 for one kid, why should I have to pay $10 for another. I told them so.
I like going to my gym, but they are constantly trying to squeeze another dollar out of you. I told them that they have a ton of Mom's who are usually there on Monday's who weren't there today because their kids had off from school. I asked them if they realized that this was a service Mom's need and that they would be able to make good money off of it too. They don't seem to care.
Because I continued to complain, they told me I could put Big I in KidZone today for free. I dropped them off and headed out onto the floor. I ran into the guy I'd like to be my trainer. He knew I was irritated so I told him and another trainer what a bunch of crap that is that I can't pay for just one month, and that they won't give me the rate I already have for my first kid. They agreed.
Unfortunately we live in a world where people can't use their brains and think about something that would make sense for both company and customer. They get their little programs from corporate and they will not deviate. It's annoying and beyond frustrating.
Last week, I approached the trainer I like working out with (who usually just does the free session and then signs you up and ships you off to another less capable trainer). I asked him quietly if he does anything on the side. I told him I can't afford the rates at the gym but I'd like to do something with him. He seemed interested and said he would call me.
Today I talked to him about it again and he's interested. I'm hoping something works out with him. I'm also hoping I can find a good babysitter for December because I refuse to give the gym any more of my hard earned money.