December 11, 2008

If I Could Just Lift My Arms

I think I went at my arm muscles a bit too aggressively yesterday at the gym. While putting cups in the cabinets, I had to stand on my toes. My arms can't go above shoulder height without my triceps screaming "down girl!" Because I am always more sore the second day after a hard workout, I am even more worried for tomorrow.

Tomorrow night is Mr. BBM's holiday party for work. This will be the first time I'll meet a lot of his colleagues. I'm hoping I can shake their hands without looking like a robot.

I think I've been taking my aggressions out at the gym and if that means throwing in an extra set or two, so be it. I guess it's understandable that I've had a lot of agression to work out this week. But my arms aren't letting me forget it this week. I'm trying to get my house cleaned up for a party I'm having this weekend and something tells me my triceps aren't going to be real happy about me using the vacuum either.

Although I called to set up my surgery time and date yesterday, I still haven't heard back. I have schedules to arrange and babysitters to call on so I need to know. There is no such thing as planning too far in advance.

My plan is to continue to bust my butt at the gym 3-4 times a week so that going into this surgery, I'll be at my strongest. While I know it's not as involved as an ACL reconstruction surgery, I also know that I'm saying "yes" to him cutting me over the sorest part of my body, the area that makes me cringe when someone even brushes up against it. I know I'm going to be hurting and I just want to know when it is so I can put it on the countdown and be done thinking about it.

Plus, I think once I know, I'll calm down at the gym a bit. I hate unknowns even worse than I hate pain.

I thought of one positve thing about all of this today. At least the second time around, I know how to beat the underwear issue. No more worries about a bare butt during surgery.

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