September 10, 2008

Where were YOU eight years ago?

Despite my desperate ploy to land myself a spot on the show "The View" many months ago, I think it’s always been quite obvious that I am not a fan of Joy Behar.  I’m not a Rosie fan either and I seriously think that Joy is becoming worse than Rosie could have ever been.

Last night, we made a brief stop on CNN and watched an interview portion where she, of all people, was talking politics. There is nothing that can increase my blood pressure more than watching Behar discuss politics. She made a bunch of statements about Sarah Palin, including stating that she thinks men like her more than women because "she’s attractive." I just love when women discount the abilities of another because they feel she rode the good looks train to success. It makes me proud to have ovaries.

Or not.

As a man, I would take offense to that statement too. Are men only made of hormones? Are they only capable of appreciating a woman for her looks? Would a man be swayed to vote for an important office simply because someone looks attractive?

I was also irritated when she stated that Sarah Palin does not represent what women are looking for in a leader/politician. I also love it when especially liberal women think that they speak for all women.  They most certainly do not speak for me and the majority of my female friends.  I wish they would stop pretending they do.

I was also irritated because she began saying that Americans are not better off than we were eight years ago. I looked at Mr. BBM and said, "Where were we eight years ago?"

Eight years ago, to this very date, we were both unemployed. Big I was months old and I had decided to stay home. Because of this family decision, Mr. BBM had left his teaching job. Our house was for sale and he was in the process of trying to get into a training session which would hopefully lead to a job in a new field, one that could support the three of us without having two incomes.

We sold our house and moved in with my parents. We had one car that had "issues."

Eight years later, Mr. BBM has worked his way up the clinical research chain of responsibility into a very good job. We are living with my parents again, but only because the people who bought our house needed it earlier than our new home would be ready. We are building our dream home. I work, not one, but three part time jobs with a fourth on the horizon. I don’t work these part time jobs because I need to; I do it because I want to. We have two cars and they are both paid off. We are markedly better off than we were eight years ago. 

Sure, the gas pump prices hurt these days, but they don’t hurt enough to say that we’ve gone backwards on the scale of success as an entire nation.  Once again, Behar thinks she’s speaking for everyone. She’s not speaking for us.

We then began talking about our friends and family members and where they were eight years ago. We couldn’t think of a single person we know who is not better off today than they were eight years ago. Not one.

I’m not discounting that we are experiencing some hard times. I’m not discounting that some people don’t have jobs right now. I understand this, and I can sympathize with those people. I know what those times are like. We’ve been there. Past tense.

That’s why grandiose statements about everyone being so much worse off don’t work for me.  Where was Joy Behar eight years ago?  I’ve venture a guess that she’s much more well off now as well.

While comments (whether they agree with me or not) are always welcome, comments that are insensitive, insulting, and malicious will be promptly deleted. I realize we’re in hot political times, and while this may be the United States of America where we have freedom of speech, on this blog, it’s Black Belt Mama’s way or the highway.

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