May 29, 2008

Not There Yet

I hate to write when I’m in a mood like this, which is obviously why the posts this week have been few and far between.  On Friday, Lil C got a DTaP vaccine shot, which made her arm swell and her personality much too much like mine, so that hasn’t helped things either.  Plus, I still itch a lot.  Hives suck.

At PT yesterday I was just miserable.  My knee has been really bothering me lately.  It’s sore at my lowest and largest incision area.  Some days, I’ll get waves of pain just shooting through that area.  Other days, it’s a dull but annoying ache that tends to stick around and intensify especially when I’m doing stairs or lowering my leg after having it propped up.  I’ve been complaining to my PT about it on and off.  I thought it was only on rainy days that the pain was bad, but this week it’s been nice and I’ve been having a lot of pain. 

We talked about doing incision massage to break down scar tissue and I’ve done that.  It hasn’t really changed anything.  This week, my PT looked at me, walking miserably on the treadmill, watching others come and go while I stay and stay and work out some more, and he said, "I think you really need a break.  I think your body is telling you to rest.  I think you need a mental and physical break." 

I think he’s right.

I left PT, got in my car and started to sob.  I have cried more through this ACL ordeal than at any other time in my life and I’m sick of myself.  I’m sick of always having an issue. I’m not the girl who has issues.  People who always have problems get on my nerves, but I think I’m becoming one of them and that only serves to make me feel more miserable.

After my appointment with my surgeon next Friday, I am heading out for vacation.  My PT told me he doesn’t want me to exercise at all.  I’m supposed to completely relax and see if the knee issue resolves itself. 

I wanted to be ready to go back to karate; but the truth is, I’m just not.  And right now, I don’t know when I will be ready. 

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