April 23, 2008

Just call me Miss Gulch

When one lives in an area where there are leash laws, why do some people find it so impossible to follow the laws?  Why are these people always the ones with the dangerous dogs?  Why do they have to live in my neighborhood? 

Reasons I Want to Move:

1.  Better/Bigger yard for the kids
2.  Extra bedroom for guests
3.  Want a house without so many steps
4.  Neighbor who leaves Christmas decorations up until April (Did I mention that she’s Jewish?), and thinks that her deck is the dumpster
5.  Psycho neighbors in the back of me who still don’t get it that they need to have their damn dog on a freaking leash.

Go ahead and call me Miss Gulch.  As far as I’m concerned, Dorothy should have had that dog on a leash too.


I am livid, people.  LIVID.  If you’ve been reading me for a while, you remember vividly (as do I) the day I was carjacked by a pit bull.  Long story short, a pit bull jumped in my van, wouldn’t leave and had to be picked up by animal control.  The owners were cited and a few days after my little event, the pit bulls (as in plural; they had two) attacked someone and were subsequently put down. 

I was relieved that it was over.  I took no joy in knowing that two animals had been put down, but I was relieved that I didn’t have to worry about the safety of my children anymore.  Now, the same stupid owners who had no concept of leash laws are at it again. 

Tonight I was out in my back yard watering my garden when a pit bull puppy came running into my yard.  I instantly knew it was a pit bull, dropped my hose and went into my house.  The dog came right up to my screen door, so I shut the main door and went bounding upstairs to spew my outrage at Mr. BBM.  I went out on my deck and there was the dog, digging in my freshly mulched garden with no owner in site.  I yelled at it to leave and went bounding up more stairs to report my findings.

Mr. BBM went outside and stood at the edge of our yard.  The pit bull puppy came right up to him and was actually very friendly.  Its owner came a few minutes later.  From Lil C’s bedroom window, I hissed, "say something!" so he did.

"Dog get off its leash?" Mr. BBM inquired.

"No," its stupid owner said, "she plays with [other stupid dog that I also reported for being in my yard all the time] in his yard and ran away.

Mr. BBM then expressed his displeasure at her dog running around and told her that he preferred that she keep her dog on a leash since our girls are outside and will be afraid. (By "girls," I’m fairly certain he meant me.)

She mumbled something and walked home.  I watched her walk home so I was sure it was the same house and it most certainly is.  I was going to just stew about it.  The puppy had been nice enough to Mr. BBM.  The owner had eventually retrieved her (without an apology though).  Then I talked to my other neighbor who told me that the dog was up in our yards over the weekend too.  These are the same owners who raised two other animals that were violent.

The camel’s back is broken.

I called the police officer I spoke to in the past.  I don’t want this becoming an issue throughout the warm months.  I want to be able to be outside and not worry about some random dog coming up to us.  In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m not exactly a dog person and I shouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of being carjacked again or having my garden ruined by some dog and its irresponsible owner. 

I explained to the officer that I just wanted the name of the person again (I had thrown it away thinking the problem was over) so I could report the incident to the township which would send them a warning letter.  I told him that enough of my neighbors already think I’m Miss Gulch and I don’t want to overreact but. . .

He cut me off.  Puppy or not, friendly or not, they are breaking the law.  He said he was going to personally call them and warn them to keep their dog on a leash from now on.  He told me if I see the dog off its leash again, to call them immediately.

An hour before the encounter with the new pit bull, my kids were playing on the patio in their sandbox.  I repeatedly came inside the house to grab them juice boxes, tissues and toys.  I had finally relaxed enough to feel comfortable doing so. 

Miss Gulch got a really bad wrap and was completely misunderstood; and I can NOT wait until I move. 

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