January 22, 2008

How to Make a Head McExplode Part II

I dropped Big I off at a play date yesterday and there was no way I was getting Lil C out of that house quietly without some serious bribery.  When you are wearing a leg brace, it’s just not worth it to cause a temper tantrum.  I’m wisely choosing my battles.  So, I promised her a happy meal from McDonald’s and she was more than happy to leave with me like a little angel.

We went to the drive-thru.  I ordered a meal for me that cost $4.98 and a happy meal for Lil C.  There was a sign up that said, "Order any extra-value meal and get a happy meal for $.99".  Perfect.  So, my total before tax should have been $5.97.  I couldn’t hear my total through the speaker, and their display monitor wasn’t working properly.  I should have seen trouble coming right then and there.

When I pulled up to the window, the woman reached for my credit card and said my total was $9.54.  WHAT? 

I politely told her that the amount was incorrect.  She didn’t even allow me to finish my statement before she started barking at me (as if I’d just called her a horrendous name or something) that "I don’t punch in the orders; I just take the money.  If it says it’s $9-something, then that’s what it is."

Now I’m annoyed, and my head is about to mcexplode.  This happens at McDonald’s a lot.

"Well actually, that’s not what it is.  My meal costs $4.98 and the happy meal is $.99.  That equals $5.97, nowhere near $9 and I’m not paying $9."  I considered asking her to add it up in her head but realized that this was probably an unrealistic request considering my treatment thus far.  I did the work for her and still. . .

"Well, that’s what it says," she barks back at me.

"Well, then you’re going to need to go find someone who knows how to fix it and work the cash register because I’m not giving you my credit card until you do."  I contemplated driving away, but there was Lil C to consider and also the principle of the matter.

She then proceeds to bark at me that "I can’t see the breakdown until I charge you and print out the receipt.

"Well, then you’re going to need to find someone who can," I tell her, "because that’s just going to make extra work for both of us-you over-charging me, and me having to get you to take the charge off when this is already proving difficult enough for you."

"Well I didn’t do it!" she yells at me.

"I didn’t say you did," I said back to her calmly.  "I just told you that the total is not correct and asked you politely to please fix it.  If you can’t do that, then kindly find someone who can and will.  I’m not going to be overcharged $3."

Maybe money grows on trees (or by overcharging customers) for McDonald’s, but I work hard for mine.  Meanwhile, the cars are lining up behind me. 

She slams the window and leaves the area in a huff.  My blood was boiling on the inside. I believe I started breathing as if trying to get through a bad labor contraction.  She comes back, punches a couple things into the cash register and amazingly enough, my charge is reduced by $3.  Amazing.  It turns out those cash registers can take charges off.  Who would have ever thought they could do such an incredible thing????  They seem to just need a willing human being to work them.

I hand her my credit card and she hands me back my receipt.  It’s only as I’m driving away that I see that she actually charged me ten cents more than she should have for the happy meal.  I didn’t go back.

It’s just not worth it.  I think we’re done at McDonald’s.  My blood pressure will thank me, and so will our arteries.   

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