December 27, 2007

The ACL Saga Continues

I had PT yesterday (nine days post-op) and unlike many who dread going, I look forward to it.  I like making progress; and I like hearing that I’m doing a good job.  It boosts me up and when you have this surgery, you need all the boosting you can get.

My PT was instantly shocked and pleased with the appearance of my knee.  "I’m LOVING your knee," he said and went on to tell me that he doesn’t think he has ever seen a knee look this good at one week post op from ACL surgery.  My knee cap is clearly visible.  He said that the knee cap usually takes a couple weeks to make its debut post surgery.  My swelling is only minimal now, and despite a pale yellow around the incisions, I never really got the big nasty bruises.   

I was also able to support my entire leg without being braced for leg lifts.  I’m now allowed to do them without the brace on.  At the end of our session, he measured my flexion.  I was nervous that it wouldn’t be good.  My lowest incision is keeping me from being able to bend comfortably.  It feels like it’s pulling.  But despite the burning incision and the stretching steri-strips, I was able to hang out at 95 degrees flexion while he measured. 

My PT told me he’s writing up a report saying that I’m doing fantastic for the appointment with my surgeon on Friday. Despite only taking some Tylenol before PT today, I’ve not had anything else.  (The ibuprofen was starting to kill my stomach.)  I’m feeling much more comfortable today and I think that this week will only continue to improve.   I’m still taking it very easy, continuing to ice my knee and keep it elevated and stay off of it as much as possible.  I’m obviously doing something right.

I needed a good day for a change.  Stitches come out tomorrow.

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