August 24, 2007

The Ultimate Break

I can hardly contain my excitement.  I have not had a single night to myself (away from Mr. BBM and the girls) since. . . well. . . I’m thinking somewhere about 1996.  This weekend changes all of that.

A college friend of mine got married in June.  It was a surprise wedding, and we never had the chance to send her off in true bachelorette style.  So, her sister organized a weekend at the beach for her and a bunch of her friends from college.  We are all going to hang out at the beach for the day.  Evening will bring drinks on the beach house porch, dinner at some swanky restaurant, and tickets to a Comedy Club.  I’m hoping for some dancing action after that (We all know that BBM likes to get her groove on). 

I didn’t think that guys carried the same jealousy gene that girls do, but apparently I was wrong.  At dinner tonight, I told Mr. BBM not to give away all of his one dollar bills because I teased, "I might need those."  "Ye-ahh," he grumbled "same rules apply to you as they always have for me."  "What rules?" I responded and laughed.  Mr. BBM didn’t find it so funny.  Heh, heh, heh, it’s always entertaining to mess with a man’s head for a bit. 

Then I told him I needed to do some laundry before I can pack my bags.  I told him I have no suitable underwear in my drawers.  "Who’s going to be seeing your underwear?" he yelled up the stairs at me.  "No one! I hope!" I screamed back.  Seriously, at this age, it’s all about comfort and not looking like an idiot in case they happen to stick out the top of my jeans or something stupid like that.  I’m no teenager; I do have pride.  But apparently, he’s a bit worried about this all girl weekend.

I’m guessing that this weekend will probably be pretty tame.  After all, most of us have husbands, kids, and a couple wrinkles by now.  I haven’t seen many of these gals since I graduated from college back in 1997.  I just hope none of my college buddies have traded in the low-rise jeans for Mom jeans and the Mom hair-cut. I sure haven’t.  Mr. BBM’s worries are truly pretty silly. 

His attitude could be because the last time I went to a bachelorette party, things got a little crazy.  I’m always the designated photographer; and I have multiple pictures of a certain cousin of mine dancing with about 30 different guys.  I also came home relaying this funny story about how a few of us gals took a rickshaw ride and decided we’d sing Ice Cube’s "You can do it, put your back into it" to the bike rider the entire time he lugged all of us up a huge hill while we laughed hysterically.  We weren’t laughing at him; we were laughing with him, I swear.  We also gave him a giant tip for treating us to such an entertaining ride. 


For some reason, Mr. BBM was not amused when he saw my pictures.  I told him he should just be glad that I was the one taking the pictures, not the girls in the pictures (I won’t include those here in order to protect the innocent err yeah, not sure what to put there). 


We didn’t just party though that night.  I also spent a lot of time discussing hair gel with this dude because seriously, where was that stuff in the 80’s when I was having issues with my bangs?

Have a great weekend everyone!  You and I both know I will!

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