July 5, 2007

The post where I make a fool of myself

When Karl emailed me a few weeks ago and asked me to guest blog over at his place, I was flattered to be among those he asked.  He's calling it his Super Summer of Lovin' as he's asked only what he deems to be hot women bloggers to be guest posters. 

Since I asked to be able to take my turn towards the end of the three weeks of guest posters, I've had lots of time to check out what the other women have been writing.  There's lots of drooling over Karl and flattery galore.  While all the saliva is completely justified because Karl is indeed a catch, I thought I'd take a bit of a different approach. . .

I've been saying for months now that maybe, just maybe I'll put up a video of myself doing a kata or something karate related.  Who would have ever thought that my first video to hit the web would be one like this?  Certainly not me, but desperate times call for desperate measures.  I struggled with what to write over there and then realized that I shouldn't really write.  I should just "perform."

To entice you to visit and see for yourself, here are some answers to common questions you might have after watching the video:

Yes, that is my daughter's echo microphone.

No, that is not actually my voice.

Yes, that is me doing something karate related; and yes, I am highly disturbed about how I look when I am doing something karate related (I have so much work to do).

No, none of the girls' toys were harmed during the filming of this video  (I can't say the same for the pictures on my heavy bag.) 

Yes, I was completely 100% sober.

No, I don't take myself too seriously so you probably shouldn't either. 

Yes, I used my sai for the "carving."

I think that about covers it.  Go watch, leave a comment over there for Karl, and then come back here and tell me what you think when the laughing or head shaking has subsided enough for you to type.  Go on, go! 

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